Learning the Lessons of a Devastating Hurricane
We pundits and writers are often torn, when we feel a need to comment on the political aspects of a crisis or disaster.
On the one hand, there are real public policy issues underlying the handling of the crisis, issues that merit study and introspection. On the other hand, with public focus on the crisis, it’s natural to want to concentrate on putting out the fire, rebuilding the roads, saving the stranded, feeding the homeless, and “saving the politics for later.”
From a public policy perspective, the most effective time to begin addressing lessons learned....is during the event. The horrible destruction wrought by Hurricane Helene is a perfect, tragic example, and it is front-of-mind right now…READ MORE…
This Isn't Simply About Israel
This fight is about much more than one single incident against the State of Israel. This is about the destruction of Western Civilization…READ MORE…
Democracy: Is the US Defining the Right Target for National Security? Part 3
We hear a lot about democracy in the elections today. But what is really, and what does it need to sprout and flourish?
The United States is a republic, not a democracy. Many people, to include politicians and scholars, use the two words interchangeably. There is, however, a significant difference. The more a country tends to democracy, the more the people directly vote on the issues—or at least the representatives. The more it tends toward a republic, the greater the chance that enfranchisement and voting will be restricted to certain groups, with a remoter connection between the voter and the decision. Moreover, the US took quite a long time to evolve to our current “democractish” form of government…READ MORE…
VIDEO: Elon Musk Issues Dire Warning - If Kamala Harris Wins ...
Elon Musk, a late arriving Trump ally and surrogate has come on strong in his support for the former President…READ MORE…
The Civil War: How Schools Dumbed Down History to a One-Word Answer
Ask a random person why the U.S. Civil War was fought, and the answer will almost certainly be “slavery.” That’s it. One word. As if an entire generation now believes a brutal, four-year conflict that nearly tore the nation apart can be summarized like a bad essay question. This is what we get from a failing school system that has turned history into a soundbite, glossing over the messy reality in favor of simplistic explanations that fit the narrative. Let’s be clear: saying the Civil War was “about slavery” is a C-minus answer at best. It’s like saying the American Revolution was about tea taxes. Slavery was a factor, but the real issue at stake was the overreach of a federal government that sought to strip states of their sovereignty…READ MORE…
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