Kamala Harris and what nobody sees coming
There are too many issues, and mistakes that are not a coincidence anymore, nothing but actions made by people that do not love their country or their people.
The woman who sold herself as the expected messiah to solve all the country's problems with her running mate, has simply been the facilitator and propellant to a perverse agenda that has weakened the most powerful nation in the world to the brink of destruction…READ MORE…
SCOTUS Ruling: Biden Cannot Be Prosecuted For Laken Riley's Murder
On Monday, the Supreme Court drew a clear line between a president’s official duties (which are immune from criminal prosecution during and after his tenure) and a president’s personal or private actions. Thus, a future DOJ will not be able to prosecute Joe Biden for aiding and abetting Jose Ibarra, who murdered Laken Riley.
Nevertheless, both federal and/or state prosecutors can still try Biden for income tax evasion, treason, bribes, and all the various criminal methods he employed to get wealthy by selling his senate & VP offices to the highest foreign bidder
John Parillo on: Federalist 49 and 50
John Parillo explains Federalist 49 & 50; Remedies to Constitutional Violations, Non-Partisan Commissions and resolving differences.
Madison argues for the separation of powers that the new constitution provides, the unlikeliness of tyranny due to the turnover designed into the system, and discusses the ultimate remedy of armed citizens correcting gross violations of their rights. In Federalist 49 Madison disagrees a bit with Jefferson who said that all violations of citizen’s rights required intervention by the people…READ MORE…
Americans 6, Deep State 3
The vote to force the government to prove its case in a court of law was 6-3. The dissent by Justice Sotomayor actually made the case for the majority opinion.
I didn’t watch the debate as I was too busy celebrating freedom from a bureaucratic system in which the government serves as judge, jury and executioner when you break one of its millions of agency rules. The Supreme Court decided to make the Securities Exchange Commission obey the Constitution and give the accused a right to a jury trial.…READ MORE…
From Farmhands to Welfare
In earlier times, large families were a common sight, particularly in rural areas where agriculture was the primary occupation. Families had many children to help with the demanding labor of farming. Each additional child meant more hands to plant, tend, and harvest crops, and to manage the daily chores that were essential for survival. These children were integral to the family's economic stability, providing the necessary workforce to sustain and grow their agricultural pursuits…READ MORE…
The Pledge
Chuck Klein on our Pledge of Allegiance...what it means.
Not only do I pledge my allegiance to the flag and the Republic, but together we – my brother and sister citizens - promise our loyalty and devotion to the principles on which this Republic is founded …READ MORE…
November 18, 2022: A Date That Will Live In Infamy
Donald J. Trump announced for re-election on November 15, 2022. Three days later, on November 18th, the Biden White House officially began four lawfare investigations against him. Historians believe this is the first time in America’s history that a presidential administration has used the powerful resources of the federal government to target and persecute a presidential opponent …READ MORE…
Chemical Exterminators
Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, chemical abortions now account for over half of all American abortions. What appears to be a convenient procedure is anything but.
In the Democrat’s nonstop quest to expand and make abortion as plentiful as dandelions in spring, the Supreme Court’s case: “FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine,” unanimously rejected a recent dispute by pro-life doctors against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for illegally expanding access to the drug mifepristone used in chemical abortions.
The ruling should put to rest the zealous and enduring chants of “Christian Nationalism” for those conservatives on the court…READ MORE…
The Draft and Its Conflict with Freedom
The draft, by compelling citizens into military service, fundamentally conflicts with the concept of personal liberty.
The notion that war is an extension of political means, as articulated by Carl von Clausewitz, reveals a significant tension between the state's military objectives and individual freedoms, particularly when conscription is involved. The draft, by compelling citizens into military service, fundamentally conflicts with the concept of personal liberty. If political leaders were to engage only in wars that are genuinely worth fighting—those with clear, justifiable objectives—the need for a draft could be significantly reduced…READ MORE…
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"Michelle Obama, 60-year-old lawyer, former first lady. He has held several management positions at the University of Chicago and collaborated with several NGOs."
So you believe his name is Michael, also? I noticed that you called it a he.