Ivermectin: The Wonder Drug Big Pharma Loves to Hate
Move over aspirin, there’s a new miracle drug in town—or rather, an old one that’s been quietly saving lives for decades. Say hello to ivermectin.
Move over aspirin, there’s a new miracle drug in town—or rather, an old one that’s been quietly saving lives for decades. Say hello to ivermectin, the humble hero Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about. Why? Because it works, it’s cheap, and it’s too darn useful. From fighting parasites to showing promise against viruses, cancers, and who knows what else, ivermectin is the Swiss Army knife of medicine. And that’s exactly why it’s been unfairly shoved into the shadows. …READ MORE…
WATCH: We have to assume Biden has some ‘nutcase staffers’ doing dangerous things, says Newt Gingrich
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich discusses who could be behind President Biden’s ‘dangerous’ foreign policy moves regarding Ukraine and Syria on ‘Hannity.’…WATCH HERE…
‘Tis the Season of Political Pardons
Joe Biden just gave his son his Christmas present – a 10-year “get out of jail free” card. But apparently, he’s still caught up in spirit of giving. Politico reports that Joe is considering a raft of pardons for a rogue’s gallery of federal miscreants. It seems our “nobody is above the law” chief executive realizes that those who have undermined our Constitution in service to the Democrat party may need a bit of legal protection from the incoming Trump administration. …READ MORE…
USA Foreign Policy-Hatred for Christians
About a dozen years ago, I was having a conversation with the science advisor to the US Army Forces Command commander. I asserted that US foreign policy has been consistent in one area since the end of World War II, and it wasn’t anti-Communism. Rather, it was anti-Christian. He mocked me. …READ MORE…
Christmas Behind Bars
“In prison,” said Charlie, “all you want is to know someone loves you.”
Charlie had been inside for 22 years. Nobody ever came to visit at Christmas. Never. Not even once. Sometimes he wondered if anyone remembered him.
Usually, Charlie’s Christmas consisted of going to the chow hall—it was the only time of year when the kitchen actually made an effort to give you decent food. …READ MORE…
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