It's Now Or Never To Save America
If every Trump supporter can influence one voter, game, set, match! You may think we have a choice in this regard, but we don’t.
Just get one, flip blue to red. Start there. Or convince an abstainer to vote for Donald Trump.
This time the threat is for real, patriots. The proverbial can has been kicked so far down the long, winding road by both political parties that only the cliff remains. And the fall is a rapid spiral toward Communism…READ MORE…
The Goldwater landslide myth; Alabama political columnist needs a history lesson
It’s that time in the presidential election year when lazy journalists roll out their frightening fairy story about Nixon’s southern strategy. The fable is meant to portray Republicans as racists. It is of course a lie but it goes like this, as reported by Steve Flowers whose weekly column appears in over 60 Alabama newspapers. He served 16 years in the state legislature…READ MORE…
Checking The Political Boxes
No candidate or political party checks all the boxes. Voters must decide the level/percent of importance each box is to them. As a Republican, I have entered my percentage of importance. My Democrat friend has tendered his/her level of importance. Though we both put strong emphasis on foreign policy the difference is: confrontation/offense is traditional conservative/Republican strategy while liberal/Democrat style is appeasement/defense…READ MORE…
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