It’s Not Wise to Corner a Bear
The radicals need to calm their hatreds, and realize the idiocy of cornering an animal which has the means to destroy them, and no other path to freedom.
FIRST Imagine you’re awakened in the middle of the night by a disturbance in your living room. You grab your trusty Louisville Slugger and go downstairs to investigate, only to find that a grizzly bear has shattered the front door, and is foraging around for a midnight snack. Your next decision could mean life for death. Do you avoid getting between the bear and the exit, hoping that it leaves? Or do you corner it, so you can have a final showdown – your baseball bat versus its 700 pounds of muscle, claws, and teeth?
No sane person would advocate placing a dangerous animal in a position where its only option is to fight. But nobody ever accused Leftists of being sane. Hence, they’re trying to corner us, and leave us with no peaceful means to resolve our differences.…READ MORE…
Education polarization; Those without a sheepskin refuse to bow to the credentialed class
A sense of entitlement seems to permeate the academic world which then produces people who believe their college degrees entitle them as well.
In 2012, the West Virginia Board of Education fired Jorea Marple, Ed.D., as state superintendent.
Board president L. Wade Linger Jr. addressed her as “Mrs. Marple.”
Marple shot back “It’s DOCTOR Marple.”
Apparently she missed the point in Austin Powers: International Man of Mysterywhen Dr. Evil said, “It’s Dr. Evil, I didn't spend six years in Evil Medical School to be called mister, thank you very much.”
The sense of entitlement seems to permeate the academic world which then produces people who believe their college degrees entitle them as well. But increasingly the people without letters after their names are seeing colleges for what they have become: indoctrination centers. Gone are the days when colleges require students to study Latin. The replacements at my alma mater include, “One course must be African-American. One course must be U.S. diversity course.”
I left the redundancy in because it amused me.…READ MORE…
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