It’s Not About Biden; Nor is it about Trump
Last Tuesday’s debate showed us something. It showed us that it’s not about Biden or Trump. It’s about how far Democrats are willing to go to remain in power.
All of us should be rightfully frightened of a political philosophy that seeks to impose its will upon other Americans, determining what car they drive…or even IF they can drive a car of their own; what stove they use to cook their food…and even the food they are allowed to consume (Beyond Meat anyone?). Even more frightening, is the level the adherents of that philosophy are willing to go, in order to impose their will on you. That will not change, no matter who is at the top of their presidential ticket…READ MORE…
Arrest Jill Biden For Elder Abuse
Now we know Jill Biden is a narcissist. She cares more about the title, privilege & comforts of First Lady than she does about her husband’s health.
Last night's debate, if you want to call it that, was a homerun for those who had skin in the game! Bases were loaded and everybody scored - except the batter, old Joe. On first base was Trump who kept his cool while the American people got to see the real Joe Biden in action, on second base were the mainstream media who were outed for the sycophants that they have been for the last four years, that is, their repeated lies that Biden was the brightest star in the political constellation, were exposed as a falling star, and on third base were the Democratic operatives who now have public leverage in their desire to replace Biden (they've secretly wanted to replace him for months)…READ MORE…
The Misplaced Focus on Climate Change
A Perspective from Catastrophic Event Theory
Instead of worrying about climate change, we should all pray we don’t get hammered with an Asteroid this coming Halloween or early November.
In contemporary discourse, much attention is given to climate change and its potential impacts on the future of humanity. However, some argue that this concern is misguided, suggesting that our understanding of Earth's history and its catastrophic events should take precedence. One such voice is Randal Carlson, who posits that the Earth has experienced as many as 26 major catastrophic events due to its passage through regions of space dense with debris and asteroids. These events, he claims, have had far more profound effects on human civilizations than any changes in climate…READ MORE…
America’s Descent Into an Orwellian Abyss
When it comes to common sense and settled science, we have moved through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole into an alternate reality.
In college, I read George Orwell’s gloomy and ominous novel 1984. While it was eye-opening, I never once considered that the totalitarian world it portrays could ever materialize in America.
Today, I’m not so sure it couldn’t.
We seem to be already moving toward the dystopian totalitarian state of “Oceania” that Orwell deftly describes in “1984.” While it may not be the same totalitarianism practiced in Russia, China, or North Korea, it is nevertheless a tyranny of the ruling party—currently, the Democrat Party…READ MORE…
Garter Snake Mitt Speaks
Mitt Romney trashed Donald Trump again, which gave the media another opportunity to pretend Republicans are abandoning President Trump. Romney never supported President Trump.
WMMS reported, “Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said he won’t support former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election due to ‘a matter of personal character.’…READ MORE…
Freedom Under Question
Reflecting Between Juneteenth and Independence Day
As we stand between the celebrations of Juneteenth and Independence Day, it's fitting to ask a critical question: Is any American truly free according to the Constitution?
As we stand between the celebrations of Juneteenth and Independence Day, it's fitting to ask a critical question: Is any American truly free according to the Constitution? These two significant dates highlight the promise of freedom and equality, yet a closer examination reveals a complex reality that suggests otherwise. Despite the principles enshrined in the Constitution, various laws and government actions have continually encroached on individual freedoms, raising concerns about the true state of liberty in America… …READ MORE…
John Parillo on Federalist 44 and 45
John Parillo walks us through Federalist 44 and 45 and the Limits of State’s Sovereignty and the Preservation of State’s Rights
For the new government proposed by our founders to have any hope of survival there had to be some limits on the state sovereignty. In Federalist 44 Madison deals with the necessity of those limits. There would be prohibitions against states entering into, “treaties, alliances, and confederations”[1] independently of the federal government.
This made sense because the alternative would have been thirteen individual states conducting individual negotiations with foreign powers. …READ MORE…
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