Is Trump Support a Cult? Is America First Just a Cult?
Someone has put forth the idea that support for Donald Trump and the America First program is just a cult. does that really make sense?
Someone has put forth the idea that support for Donald Trump and the America First program is just a cult. Since we remember the 909 who died under the direction of Jim Jones, the idea of a cult leaves us unsettled.
One of the first to study what happens with crowds was a Scottish journalist by the name of Charles MacKay. He wrote on the madness of crowds. (1841) What would a crowd do that an individual would never think of doing?…READ MORE…
Enough is Enough!
Our blueprint for saving America contains seven critical strategies for defeating Leftist ideologues and restoring our country to the principles and values that made it great
Patriotic Americans are beginning to say, “Enough is Enough.” In early 2023, we wrote America’s End Game for the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country to provide a game plan for patriotic Americans who reject the Marxist agenda. Our blueprint for saving America contains seven critical strategies for defeating Leftist ideologues and restoring our country to the principles and values that made it great. These strategies include:
· Achieve an American spiritual revival.
· Preserve the Constitution and Bill of Rights…READ MORE…
A Short-sighted Victory for Environmental Climate Change; Sustainable Development Irony
We’ve almost emptied our strategic war reserves that kept prices artificially suppressed. Because we will never have another war in our generation…
Remember the “I did that” stickers on gas pumps? Well...Congratulations… Here it comes again. We’ve almost emptied our strategic war reserves that kept prices artificially suppressed. Because we will never have another war in our generation…
The brilliant minds in charge are just forcing America into environmental awareness by depleting our strategic carbon dioxide-producing fuels. Who needs sustainability when we can make sure people are forced to buy electric cars? Brilliant!…READ MORE…
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