Is Donald Trump Another Samson?
The Bible is sometimes referred to as the Good Book. In general, when we think of the Bible in its entirety, we think of prophets, saints, apostles, and martyrs. Good people, right?
But let's dig a little deeper. Both the New and the Old Testaments contain stories of flawed men and women. In the New Testament, Matthew was a tax collector, among the most despised of men. Peter had a temper, and Paul hunted down Christians.
In the Old Testament, Adam was created in perfection, in the image of God, but it didn't take long for him to fall from grace. Cain killed his brother Abel. Aaron created a golden calf idol, even as his brother Moses was on the mountain speaking to God. David was an adulterer, and Rahab was a prostitute.
And yet God used all of these flawed individuals to further His plan for our redemption and salvation…READ MORE…
Lighting A Candle
I believe America is at a tipping point. Most Americans realize there is something deeply wrong with the nation we live in.
I believe America is at a tipping point. Most Americans realize there is something deeply wrong with the nation we live in. Even non-Christians have had all they can take of the Leftists’ “woke” agenda, and especially of the vilification of common sense when it comes to our children.
In recent years, we’ve seen parents who object to pornographic books, drag queens and the LGBTQP+ movement indoctrinating their children labeled as “the most dangerous threats to our democracy,” and also called “domestic terrorists.” In reality, the opposite is true. Those who push for the normalization of sexual deviancy, homosexuality, pedophilia and the mutilation of the minds and bodies of our children are the real predators, and they have many allies, now baked in to the curricula of our public schools and celebrated wholesale in cities and small towns all across the USA…READ MORE…
Somebody will be Under the Ban
Can a non-Christian live in a Christianized society? If you listen to the constant harping of the leftists, the answer is “no.” But is that true?
Do we have historical examples of a Christianized society with non-believers? Indeed, we do.
The early United States was a Christianized society, as were many European nations. While denied by many secular historians for years, often misusing Thomas Jefferson’s famous “separation of church and state” dictum, the reality is that this country early on was essentially Christian.[1] Did that mean everyone in the nation was personally a Christian? Of course not.
So, what did it mean? Simple: the basic standards of law were focused on the moral law of God as found in the Bible, and those laws focused on the prohibition against various forms of theft.[2]
This does not mean that early America was a perfect society. Indeed, there were those who made an early assault against the nation’s foundation, particularly with efforts to engage in theft by proxy by trying to appropriate public monies for a select few. But many people who were not personally Christians lived in early America and thrived, because the law protected them from theft by powerful people…READ MORE…
The USA Cultural Decay of Moral Values: Obstacles to Following the Ten Commandments
Here's a closer look at why it's so difficult for individuals to follow simple moral rules in today's cultural landscape
In contemporary society, the challenge of adhering to the timeless principles outlined in the Ten Commandments is exacerbated by a pervasive culture that often glorifies behaviors antithetical to moral integrity and ethical conduct. The decay of moral values in our culture, perpetuated by various influential entities such as movies, politicians, and popular culture, presents formidable obstacles to the observance of these fundamental moral guidelines. Here's a closer look at why it's so difficult for individuals to follow these simple rules in today's cultural landscape:
Firstly, the entertainment industry, particularly movies and television shows, plays a significant role in shaping societal norms and attitudes toward morality. Many mainstream films and TV series depict themes of violence, promiscuity, and deceit, often glamorizing morally reprehensible behavior and undermining the sanctity of values upheld in the Ten Commandments. For example, films glorifying criminal lifestyles or romanticizing extramarital affairs send messages that run counter to the commandments against theft, adultery, and bearing false witness…READ MORE…
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