Is Biden actually hoping for a stalemate in Gaza?
Biden’s vehement opposition to the one action Israel must take to win the war has created a serious rift with Israeli leaders and has prolonged the war.
Whiplash. We woke up on Monday morning to the news that Israel was warning Palestinians residing in the eastern sector of Rafah, the last remaining Hamas stronghold in the Gaza Strip, to evacuate ahead of an imminent invasion. Several hours later, it was widely reported that Hamas leaders had agreed to a hostage swap/ceasefire proposal hammered out by negotiators in Egypt and Qatar over the weekend. Yet, by midafternoon, IDF troops had commenced their invasion. By Tuesday morning, they had taken control of the Rafah crossing into Egypt.
So what the heck happened? It turns out that, unbeknownst to the Israelis, rather than agreeing to the conditions they had previously signed off on, Hamas had instead submitted a counterproposal. Worse still, sources told Axios that U.S. officials, including CIA Director William Burns who was involved in the negotiations, were aware of the changes but failed to inform the Israelis…READ MORE…
We All Have #FreedomOfSpeech, But That Does Not Come With Freedom From Consequences
The anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas protesters are finding out that some people have listened to them, and don't like what they've said.
The Washington Post illustrated its article with a photo showing a sign carried by one of the protesters, which said, in big, red, sloppy letters, "Trustees: You've lost the student's trust". But what is really happening is that the irresponsible and anti-Semitic protesters have lost the judges' trust, and the larger people's trust. And they've certainly lost mine when they don't know enough English to realize that it should have been "students' trust," not "student's trust."…READ MORE…
A Common Sense Manifesto
Theoretically, socialism, and its kissing cousins communism, fascism, and globalism are packaged to sound good, but their practical application always ends up heavy-handed and brutal.
Theoretically, socialism, and its kissing cousins communism, fascism, and globalism are packaged to sound good, but their practical application always ends up heavy-handed and brutal.
Originally, socialists stoked the fires of revolution by pitting economic classes against each other, now it includes anything and everything that divides people. In their dark, narrow-minded world there are evil oppressors, innocent victims, and righteous socialists (aka woke progressives). Today, we see this playing out on college campuses, tomorrow it will pop up somewhere else…READ MORE…
Decoding the Future: The Role of CBDC in Monetary Control
On March 9th 2022, President Biden issued an Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets outlining a whole-of-government approach
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) represents a revolutionary shift in the way we conceptualize and transact with money. At its core, CBDC is a digital form of a country's national currency, issued and regulated by the central bank. However, its potential extends far beyond mere convenience. CBDC has been theorized as a tool through which governments could exercise precise control over different "types" of money, particularly in the aftermath of a hypothetical collapse of the traditional monetary system.
On March 9th 2022, President Biden issued an Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets outlined the first whole-of-government approach to harnessing the potential benefits of digital assets and their underlying technology…READ MORE…
It's Not Your Parents' Democrat Party Anymore
Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street. ~Joseph Goebbels
Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street.
~Joseph Goebbels
If there is ever a time in our recent history that proves the Democrats are destroying our country, it is now!
The streets are filled with hateful, young, anti-American, ignorant students who see injustice everywhere, without the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to provide.
Our government leaders, as well as their ghostly but hidden agents of purposeful mismanagement—an entire education system supported by a corrupt government, globalists, foreign governments, and corporate trash—are being run by far-left radicals in a major political party committed to the extinction of our great country…READ MORE…
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