Is a Political Magnetic Pole Reversal Coming?
Voter attraction to Democrat magnetic north is weakening, while the attraction to Republicans is increasing. The only question that remains is: Where is the tipping point?
Every few hundred millennia or so, the Earth’s magnetic poles switch. Changes in the planet’s molten iron core cause its magnetic fields to weaken, allowing magnetic north to begin moving away from the geographic north pole. Eventually a tipping point is reached, magnetic north moves to the south pole, and vice a versa. NASA estimates that it has happened about 183 times in the last 83 million years. Is something similar happening to our political polarization? Is the magnetic attraction of the Democrat party weakening – setting the stage for a major voter realignment?
According to Adam Carlson, a data scientist for the Brunswick Group, the Democrat/Republican axis is wobbling. As he states:
8 months out from the election, polls are still suggesting 2024 will be the largest racial realignment since the Civil Rights Act was passed…READ MORE…
Phil May: Belated Thoughts on Tax Day
Here are some belated thoughts about April 15th, the day Americans have to settle up with the Federal government.
The annual holiday where you guess how much money you owe the government.
If you guess too much, they’ll return it after holding your money all year without interest; there will be many advertised sales advising you how to spend the “windfall” the government “gives” you…READ MORE…
Satire: Titanic Mystery: Torpedo or Iceberg? Unraveling the Business Conspiracy
In a shocking turn of events, scientists examining the remains of the Titanic have stumbled upon a perplexing discovery: a torpedo-shaped hole in the hull.
This revelation has thrown the well-established iceberg theory into disarray, leaving experts scratching their heads and conspiracy theorists rubbing their hands with glee.
The iceberg theory, which has been the cornerstone of Titanic lore for over a century, is now facing intense scrutiny. How could a massive ship like the Titanic, deemed "unsinkable" by the hubris of its era, succumb to a mere iceberg? Or was it a mere iceberg at all?…READ MORE…
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