Iranian Plot to Assassinate Trump Unveiled - A Tale of Intrigue and Foiled Plans
How convenient…they just now grab this potential assassin after the hit job failed against President Trump…READ MORE…
Karl Marx's Meth: How Communism Became the Drug That Killed Millions
If religion was the soothing balm for humanity's woes, Marx's vision of communism turned out to be the societal equivalent of methamphetamine…READ MORE…
Controversy Surrounds Kamala Harris's Choice of Tim Walz as Running Mate
The man is a Marxist, put tampons in boys' bathrooms all over the state, and supports a completely open border to destroy this nation…READ MORE…
August 8, 1974: Dems First Taste Of Blood Led Directly To Persecution Of Trump
Obama’s people finally pulled the plug, not when Biden’s massive corruption came to light, but when the public found out that he has late stage dementia and would not win in November…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol II - Episode 100: Cattle, Dairy Farms, and Cream of Celery Soup
Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds…READ MORE…
Federalist 78; On the Judiciary
The nomination by the President, and the advice and consent role of the Senate, are designed to ensure that only the most qualified people even receive a nomination, let alone be confirmed as Justices…READ MORE…
The Fragile Few: How the Easily Offended Are Stifling Freedom of Expression
In the latest episode of the hypersensitive saga, a small but vocal minority has decided that the phrase "Christ is King" is now offensive…READ MORE…
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