How Do You Kill 7.5 Billion People?
You tell Africans how badly the climate is affecting their continent and then make it worse by limiting their access to energy.
You start by frightening people and creating an atmosphere of crisis. "Climate change is going to kill us all." Complain that we don't have enough food to feed everyone, and then proceed to destroy a significant portion of the food supply. Hardly a day goes by without hearing of a food production facility catching fire or blowing up…READ MORE…
Goldberg should have listened to Trump; People who say "from the river to the sea" during Passover aren't playing around
Jonah Goldberg, the once rising star of American conservatism, has settled for a seat as yet another Republican Strategist on a cable news outlet.
Jonah Goldberg, the once rising star of American conservatism, has settled for a seat as another Republican Strategist on a cable news outlet. Of course he’s not a Republican strategist but someone who actually was important. But in January 2016, he traveled to the Island of Misfit Never Trumpers. They bet that Trump would lose and they world regain control of the party. They bet wrong. His life is still good and he still has his principles, whatever those principles may be on any given day.
He promised me he would never, ever grow up when I responded to a tweet and wrote that eventually he would come around to Trump. Goldberg has stayed true to his word. OK. Life went on for both of us.
Then came Columbia. It’s been a while, but anti-Semitism is back in style…READ MORE…
The Shackles of Mobile Giants: How Cellphone Companies Enslave Customers for Profit
In today's interconnected world, our phones are more than just devices; they are lifelines to communication, information, and connection.
One of the most insidious tactics employed by cellphone giants is the use of locked-in contracts. These contracts, often spanning multiple years, come with hefty termination fees, effectively trapping users within a specific network. This lack of mobility restricts users from exploring alternative providers, forcing them to remain beholden to the whims of their current carrier…READ MORE…
Are We Becoming a Post-Constitutional Nation?
Not since the Civil War have we been in a more dangerous time in which our differences can turn the US into a post-constitutional nation.
I confess that for the first time in my life, I am really worried about the future of the United States. We have always had political differences since our first administration where Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton led opposing factions within the cabinet of George Washington, but not since the Civil War have we been in a more dangerous time in which those differences can turn the US into a post constitutional nation, united only by a common currency, economic system and, to some degree, a shared foreign policy. We survived that by the fact that Abraham Lincoln defeated his former military leader George McLellan in 1864. We may not be so lucky this time if the Democrat Party were to win control of both houses of Congress as well as retain control of the Presidency…READ MORE…
Unanticipated Consequences: The 1984 Telecom Law, Cell Phones, and Orwellian Irony
The convergence of telecommunications, media, and technology blurred the lines between different sectors, challenging regulators to keep pace with rapid changes.
The telecommunications landscape underwent a seismic shift in 1984 with the breakup of the Bell System, a move aimed at introducing competition and curbing monopolistic practices. However, this landmark legislation did not anticipate the rapid emergence and proliferation of cell phones, which would fundamentally alter the industry's dynamics.
The regulatory focus post-1984 was primarily on landline services and local phone networks, overlooking the nascent mobile communications sector. As cell phones gained popularity and technological advancements accelerated, the regulatory framework struggled to adapt to these new realities…READ MORE…
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