Hmmm, Could There Be More To This Crocus City Center Terrorist Attack Than First Appeared?
The Intrigue in Ukraine Is Somewhat of The Gift That Keeps on Giving
I moved the story up front-I went a little long on this piece-but me thinks the "conspiracy instincts are strong in this one....."
Just somewhat precious, special and not at all puzzling to see this-and I think you can file under the "things that are not going to clarify soon" category....
Cofer Black-Very likely you have never heard of this guy who-unlike my last name-even people who have known me for years are like-nope-doesn't ring a bell-this guy stands out in a crowd. I always think of a few folks with "action" or ideal cover names—Like LCDR Nick Buck-who was a Navy guy working NAVY JSIPS/DCGS integration at the NRO...great action-Jackson type name and all the jokes about buck passing...
When I was working some contract activity with the agency on a project or two or three over the years--my first impression early on was -this is not a very good cover name cause you can't forget it-its too memorable-rolls off the tongue too easily-unlike Arthur Thomas, Mike or Jack Smith, Joe Adams, Billy Jones--I did not believe it was his real name-still don't…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol II - Episode 67: Income Tax, Tomato Soup, and How the Other Half Lives
Political Satire: Having trouble surviving these times? You're not alone. Join us in columnist John F. Di Leo's exploration of an alternate universe, where we imagine the impossible:
Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds...READ MORE…
A Biblical Perspective on Self-Defense: Exploring Luke 22:36
The verse Luke 22:36 in the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, spoken by Jesus during the Last Supper, provides a compelling argument for the importance of self-defense in certain circumstances.
The verse Luke 22:36 in the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, spoken by Jesus during the Last Supper, provides a compelling argument for the importance of self-defense in certain circumstances. In this verse, Jesus advises his disciples to procure a sword if they do not already possess one, acknowledging the reality of physical danger and the need for self-protection. This statement challenges traditional interpretations of Jesus' teachings on non-violence and peace, urging believers to consider the practical implications of living out their faith in a world where danger lurks.
Jesus, known for his message of love and forgiveness, demonstrates…READ MORE…
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