Highlights of the week; Tomorrow at Noon, we get America back
ITEM 1: NBC reported, “Displaced Los Angeles-area residents face spiking rents as authorities warn of price gouging.”
Price gouging—like charging $7 million for a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl. …READ MORE…
The Plagues of Egypt: A Cosmic Conflict in Light of the Divine Council
The plagues of Egypt described in the Book of Exodus have long been understood as divine acts to liberate Israel from slavery. Dr. Michael Heiser, a biblical scholar specializing in the unseen realm and the divine council, provides a broader context for these events. Heiser’s work highlights the cosmic conflict between Yahweh, the God of Israel, and the spiritual forces behind the false gods of the nations, as described in Psalm 82 and other passages. While the Bible does not explicitly state that each plague directly targeted specific Egyptian gods, Heiser’s divine council framework helps to interpret these events as part of a larger spiritual battle. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Eight Key Lessons From First Kings
During the period covering the last 130 years of Israel and the last 250 years of Judah-II Kings records the response of the people to these prophets in the order they spoke and wrote: …WATCH HERE…
About Morgan Love
I am proud of Morgan Love. That is all I wanted to say today.
I wish I could tell you how proud.
As the 19-year-old young woman returns to college classes this week; as teenagers herd across campus like droves of cattle; as students all over the nation engage in the long-cherished tradition of not reading the syllabus; I just want to say how proud I am to know Morgan Love. …READ MORE…
7 year tribulations? Myths to reality 7
The your people, your city, and the temple phase of Daniel 9 was concluded long ago.
This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 plus the book of Revelation and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein. …READ MORE…
God Bless America
The Bible is sometimes referred to as the Good Book. In general, when we think of the Bible in its entirety, we think of prophets, saints, apostles, and martyrs. Good people, right? …READ MORE…
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