Hey Director Of National Intelligence-Any Leaders Around? Does This Political Hack John Brennan Speak For You? Part 2-It Gets Worse!
The Good News For Many: If a Cross Dressing Intel Officer Can Qualify for a Clearance, Then…
Well, it turns out there are some leaders at the DNI after all-but they are probably busy doing other stuff that I will cover below.
Now I have not seen evidence that DNI leadership has addressed the comments made by former CIA Director John Brennan that intelligence professionals-in spite of and in direct violation of their commitment to service to and abiding by the oath of office they take as taxpayer funded civil servants to this country-America-a constitutional republic-may decide not to share things with their potential Commander-In-Chief-the President of the United States (POTUS)-should that turn out to be a Bad Orange Man (BOM)…READ MORE…
The Tech Titans Clash: Google vs. Microsoft
In the escalating battle between tech behemoths, Google and Microsoft stand at the forefront, poised for a clash of titans.
Google's strategic penetration of schools nationwide, providing free access to its suite of products, has entrenched its dominance among the next generation. This calculated move has sown a deep-seated preference for Google over Microsoft, sparking a seismic shift in the tech landscape.
The palpable disdain among graduates and professionals for Microsoft products underscores the growing momentum behind Google's ascent. From classrooms to boardrooms, Google's suite of tools has become synonymous with efficiency and innovation, leaving Microsoft struggling to maintain relevance. …READ MORE…
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