Headlines from July 14, 2024
In my country opinion, there are three headlines sum up the whole frightening scenario in Butler, Pennsylvania, at the Trump rally on Saturday, July 13.
The Secret Service and the State Police were warned that there was someone with a rifle on an unsecured rooftop, in easy firing range of President Trump, and the someone was ignored until he fired at DJT. Only then was he taken out, for trying to assassinate the Republican running for president. Reminds me of obambam’s policy when our soldiers were sent to battle: “Don’t fire first, in case you are firing at an innocent person.” Yeah, an innocent person holding a multi-firing rifle who’s dressed like a terrorist, give him the first shot in the situation…READ MORE…
Path Forward For America, Marxism or Constitutionalism?
The Biden presidency is effectively over. The question is, will he take his Marxist Party and Kamala Harris with him? Can he? His obstinate refusal in the face of rising demands that he resign gracefully after demonstrating his declining mental capacity and continued inability to be president, except for the 200 million dollars in his campaign chest, seems inexplicable. He is being encouraged by the system to get out now, before the Democrat Convention, and leave the remaining few months of his term to Kamala Harris. Republicans want him to stay so that, with one swoop, America can be rid of both Joe and Kamala, his constitutional successor…READ MORE…
Taxation: Returning to Constitutional Principles
Taxation has long been a contentious issue in American society, stirring debates over tax burdens, government spending, and economic fairness.
As we grapple with a complex and often burdensome tax code, it's essential to revisit the principles that guided our founders. Their vision of a limited government funded primarily through indirect taxes stands in stark contrast to our current system, dominated by federal income tax and myriad other levies. This article explores the historical context of taxation in the early republic, contrasts it with the present, and proposes a path back to a constitutionally grounded approach…READ MORE…
What the Dementia-ocrats fear
Switching candidates four months before the election shoots a party in the left foot, suddenly dumping the woman they put a heartbeat away from the presidency shoots the other.
Pandering has its price. Live by the DEI, die by the DEI. Kamala truly Didn’t Earn It but there she is.
Democrats are soiling themselves over this because they realize they must stop him now because they will not get the Nice Guy Let’s Cut A Deal Donald in a second term. President Trump stands ready, willing and able to play hardball this time…READ MORE…
Living Behind Enemy Lines; Tale #1: Diane's Solara
Liberals have little respect for those holding different views and often feel free to bully & harass their Conservative co-workers, neighbors, etc.
As I was saying goodbye to my beloved Solara a year ago this week, I was remembering what it was like to live behind enemy lines: We lived in West Linn, a suburb of Portland, Oregon, from September 1988 to December 2020. That is a Blue Metro Area in a Blue State. Beginning in the 1990s only reckless Oregonians dared to put any type of “conservative” or GOP bumper sticker on their cars. If the bumper sticker was spotted by a Democrat bully (there were many, many of them), the car would be keyed, windows shattered or worse…READ MORE…
Freon Fiasco: How Environmental Regulations Made Staying Cool a Luxury
Over the past 30 years, the price of air conditioning refrigerants has skyrocketed, rising faster than precious metals like silver and gold.
This meteoric rise is thanks to environmental lobbying and regulatory laws that have turned keeping cool in the summer into an expensive endeavor. The phase-out of older, "harmful" refrigerants like R-22 (Freon) in favor of newer, eco-friendly alternatives has driven costs through the roof. Once a mere $13 per pound in the 1990s, R-22 now fetches up to $150 per pound installed. That's a staggering increase of over 1000%—more than enough to make anyone break a sweat…READ MORE…
John Parillo Examines Federalist 59
The Senate and the Error of the 17th Amendment
In yet another Federalist Paper that seems to have been written to answer the questions we see in the headlines today, Hamilton reemerges in Federalist 59 to discuss how voting procedures are reserved to the states. He quotes the proposed constitution that “The TIMES, PLACES, and MANNER of holding elections for senators and representatives shall be prescribed in each State by the legislature thereof”[1] (The emphasis is in Hamilton’s writing not in the Constitution itself). Congress may alter voting rules except “as to the PLACES of choosing senators.”
This limitation was created to prevent congress from denying a particular state the authority to seat its Senators…READ MORE…
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