Harrismania: Can Kamalot’s meteoric rise from political pariah to Democratic star last?
Democrat pollsters doing what they do, using polls to change public opinion instead of measuring it.
Did you hear? Vice President Kamala Harris now leads former President Donald Trump in Michigan by a whopping 11 points in a new Bloomberg/Morning Consultpoll of 706 registered voters. This result leaves Harris with a 2-point lead in the RealClearPolitics average of polls in the state…READ MORE…
Trump Assassination Attempt: An American Travels To Butler Crime Scene
As this article goes to press, Americans learn that President Trump will be returning to Butler County, PA for a rally to honor Corey Comperatore who was shot and killed during the political assassination attempt on President Trump during his July 13th rally in Butler Township…READ MORE…
Kamala Harris Chose Black
It’s too bad James Whitmore isn’t around to play Kamala Harris in her inevitable bio-flick on Netflix. He played the titular character in Black Like Me, a 1964 movie about a white reporter who dons blackface to experience racial prejudice. Apparently black people couldn’t just share their experiences. They needed a white savior to do so 60 years ago…READ MORE…
The Dangerous Road to Division
In recent years, our society has witnessed a resurgence of identity politics and tribalism, trends that have a deeply troubling historical precedent. The process that leads to genocide—beginning with stereotyping, dehumanization, and eventually rationalizing extermination—follows a well-documented and horrifying path.…READ MORE…
Whatfinger-Kamala Harris Shifts Stance as Presidential Campaign Heats Up
As President Biden's decision not to seek re-election took air and finally confirmed, Vice President Kamala Harris has launched her own presidential campaign. However, she's now keeping herself away from several progressive positions she previously championed. During her earlier presidential run and especially in the aftermath of George Floyd's death, Harris embraced a more liberal stance, aligning with the Democratic Party's progressive wing…READ MORE…
Gun Ownership in America: A Surge Driven by Self-Protection Amid Social Unrest
Everyone should buy more guns now. Stock up in case of an emergency as Biden and the Democrats have terrorists here now, thanks to the open border. They can attack anywhere, schools, malls and even homes…READ MORE…
Federalist 73; On Presidential Salary and the Veto
Hamilton continues his series on the nature of the Presidency by discussing both the Presidential salary and the veto power assigned to that office. In the days before people became fabulously wealthy in office, there was a concern that by controlling the President’s salary the legislative branch could “either reduce him by famine, or tempt him by largesses, to surrender at discretion his judgment to their inclinations.”[1] …READ MORE…
Operant Conditioning, Path Dependency and Societal Revolution, Part 4
This is the last part in a four-part series. Part 1 discussed the principles of Operant Conditioning and Path Dependency. Part 2 looked at what happens when philosophy and religion are blocked or obscured in a culture and the vacuum this lack creates. This vacuum opens the way for a dark, controlling philosophy that erodes virtue and replaces it with controlled behavior and expectations. Part 3 is the beginning of a research plan to explore who/what is behind current operant conditioning in the US today…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol II - Episode 98: Puppets and Perpetrators and Vichyssoise
Having trouble surviving these times? You're not alone. Join us in columnist John F. Di Leo's exploration of an alternate universe, where we imagine the impossible. Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds…READ MORE…
Fort McNair: A Legacy Tarnished by Injustice
In the aftermath of President Abraham Lincoln's assassination, the nation was gripped by a fervor to bring the conspirators to justice. Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt found themselves in the crosshairs of a military tribunal, bypassing the inconvenient constitutional rights guaranteed to civilians. These trials were less about justice and more about swift retribution, with the Constitution conveniently discarded in the name of national security…READ MORE…
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