Happy New Year American Free News Network!
Happy New Year American Free News Network!
The team here at American Free news Network would like to wish all of our readers a happy and most prosperous New Year! …READ MORE…
Sacred Measurements: How the Human Body and Geometry Shaped Our World
Throughout history, humans have used their own bodies and the cosmos as templates to measure and understand the world. Ancient civilizations ingeniously developed units of measurement based on the proportions of the human body and principles of sacred geometry, weaving practicality with spirituality. While modern measuring systems have largely moved away from these origins, the remnants of these ancient systems still influence us today, often hidden in plain sight. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Reflecting on Biden’s complicated presidential legacy as he prepares to leave office
NBC News’ Mike Memoli reflects on President Biden’s accomplishments and complicated legacy as he prepares to leave office and President-elect Trump returns to the White House. …WATCH HERE…
What Is A Constitutional Sheriff And Why Do YOU Need One?
The difference between a Constitutional sheriff and a non-Constitutional sheriff is easy to discern. A Constitutional sheriff will not obey any laws, rules, regulations or edicts that are in violation of either the US Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, or the state’s constitution. A sheriff that does not respect his residents’ constitutional rights will obey all statutes, rules, regulations and edicts signed by politicians & bureaucrats. He/she will not do any research to determine if his/her actions are constitutional, instead will merely take marching orders from his/her government overlords. …READ MORE…
A Funeral Runs Through It
The casket was rolled in. The piano played funeral hymns. And there I was, behind a pulpit, poised before a congregation that was standing-room only. …READ MORE…
You’re Not “Giving Up’ Anything
In my younger days, I couldn’t imagine living in the year 2025. It sounded so futuristic. Still does. But here we all are…and still without the flying cars that Popular Mechanics promised were just around the corner back in 1969. In elementary school, our teacher once gave us an assignment to draw a picture of what the year 2000 would look like. If I recall, mine included big satellite dishes on homes. I have no idea what I thought they’d be used for — they just looked futuristic to me, and I assumed they’d have a very important purpose. Now it seems ridiculous that these have already become outdated technology and were mainly used by consumers to watch television. …READ MORE…
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