Haiti replaces Ukraine; The military-industrial complex changes subjects after Biden's speech
The internal polling on Dark Brandon’s state-of-the-union speech must be horrible because Democrats and their deep-state go-fers in the media quickly changed the subject.
With the Ukraine war wearing out its welcome, the only diversion left was the uncivil war in Haiti. Suddenly riots in its capital became the most important story in the world!
We are sending troops to Port-au-Prince, something we failed to do to Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland four years ago. Apparently it is OK to give rioters in Baltimore space, but not in Haiti. READ MORE…
Social Security has a Surplus; It is not a government handout. It is an earned pension benefit
Leading into the November election, Biden and his cheerleaders in the media are pretending Donald Trump is going to cut your Social Security. READ MORE…
It’s Our Turn Now
Someone once asked the question, “what would you do if you woke up tomorrow with only those things left that you thanked God for today?” READ MORE…
The Gruesome History of Necklacing: A Brutal Tactic of Terror
Despite the end of apartheid and the transition to democracy in South Africa, the legacy of necklacing continues to haunt the collective memory of the nation. READ MORE…
Lawyers + Politics = Polarization & Discord
Lawyers see the House and Senate as legislative courtrooms where the ultimate goal is to win and win at any cost for their client, i.e., their political party. Democrats especially, have brought Lawfare to a whole new dimension. READ MORE…
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