God’s Lifeboat Is More Than Half Empty
This month marks another anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. For generations, this tragic story has captivated hearts and minds.
For generations, this tragic story has captivated hearts and minds. The loss of the Titanic left a shaken world in disbelief and made people stop and think. I, personally, became deeply intrigued by the Titanic from the moment I learned of the story as a young child.
I believe this is one of those rare, historic events that provides a myriad of timeless lessons. The most obvious is the sinfulness of human pride and arrogance...clearly present in almost every aspect of the story.
Titanic took 12,000 men more than two years to construct. The people of the day wanted luxury, and to say that’s what they found in Titanic would be an understatement. Not only was Titanic the largest man-made moving object ever…READ MORE…
Questioning Moral Progress: The Shadows of Human Nature Explored
The prevailing idea that our generation is inherently more morally advanced than those that came before us is a comforting, yet false, narrative.
The prevailing idea that our generation is inherently more morally advanced than those that came before us is a comforting narrative. We often assume that modern society has overcome the ethical shortcomings of the past, especially events like the Holocaust. However, a closer look at human psychology challenges this assumption, revealing uncomfortable truths about our individual and group capacity for moral compromise.
Studies, such as Christopher R. Browning's "Ordinary Men," shed light on human nature's enduring shadows. They make it clear that the potential for cruelty and moral lapses is not bound…READ MORE…
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