Getting Trump wrong again; If CNBC wants Truth Social to fail, have Jim Cramer recommend its stock
The media had a lot of fun this week misinforming the public about President Donald John Trump’s fortune
The media had a lot of fun this week misinforming the public about President Donald John Trump’s fortune. CNBC, which bills itself as a business news channel, seemed genuinely happy that the share price of Trump’s publicly traded company fell.
CNBC told online readers, “The share price of Trump Media closed trading 21.47% lower on Monday, hours after the social media app company tied to former President Donald Trump reported a net loss of $58.2 million on revenue of just $4.1 million in 2023…READ MORE…
Take Heart: We Are Winning
The internet is our version of what in the Soviet Union dissidents called “samizdat,” and that genie is running rampant from the bottle. Hence the fanatical efforts to reign it in.
Just under 30 years ago, I was teaching high school history and government classes in Georgia. The internet was a new concept, but it was becoming obvious that increasingly more content was hitting the cybersphere. With that in mind, I explained to my students what my recent past had been like regarding news and information.
I pointed out that when I was growing up in the 1960s and 70s, news was controlled by essentially four networks: ABC, CBS, NBC and “Public” broadcasting. If you wanted to learn what was really going on in such a controlled environment, you needed to have a strong dose of “between the lines” awareness…READ MORE…
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