Ferguson Speaks; Democrats May Not Like The Message
Democrat fortunes changed, but not in a good way for the Party Of Obama.
Tim Walz; He’s the governor of Minnesota who ordered schools to stock tampons in the boys’ room. He extended LGBT Rights protections to pedophiles. He embraced the transgender movement with a fervor that frightens stable people…READ MORE…
Look a Little Deeper When It Comes to Inflation Statistics
I am reminded of 2016, when the government did everything it could to to persuade people that the economy was doing just fine, thank you very much, in their attempt to get Hillary Clinton elected:…READ MORE…
The E in DIE
Social justice groups use the figure above as a meme to show the DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity) movement to illustrate equity. If all we are discussing is these three people, then it may make some sense. But there is a broader picture than the three spectators…READ MORE…
The Commerce Clause: Defending the Founders' Original Intent
By analyzing the writings and speeches of the Founding Fathers, we argue for a return to a more restrictive interpretation of the Commerce Clause to preserve the principles of limited government and state sovereignty…READ MORE…
Tulsi Gabbard On Biden/Harris's Terror Watch List: YOU Are Next
Whenever I am trying to reason with a Biden/Harris voter, or any brainwashed American, I end the discussion with something like this: “When I’m thrown in the gulag, I will save a seat for you.”…READ MORE…
Why Wait For The Truth When A Lie Gets Around The World Quickly
In issues like Governor Walz’s military record, it’s best to let the facts come out before commenting. Liberals don’t seem to understand that. Nor do they care…READ MORE…
Federalist 81; On An Activist Judiciary
Hamilton continues his discourse on the nature of the Judiciary in Federalist 81. This paper addresses the very current issue of an activist Judiciary…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Volume III - Episode 101: Exploration, Indians, Taxes, and Space Soup
Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds…READ MORE…
The DEI Mind Virus: A National Security Threat to U.S.
Our woke military through its DEI efforts is going out of its way to alienate the very demographic that has done most of the bleeding and dying in our nation's wars…READ MORE…
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