Fascism- It's Not About Racism
Possibly one of the greatest triumphs of propaganda in history was the idea that Fascism (and its close cousin Nazism) is just racism.
Possibly one of the greatest triumphs of propaganda in history was not stolen elections, false marketing campaigns, or pushing dangerous and unnecessary medical treatments on unsuspecting people.
It’s the idea that Fascism (and its close cousin Nazism) is just racism.
A few years ago, World Economic Forum prophet Yuval Noah Harari did a TED talk, where he spent 18 minutes as a digital avatar, haranguing the audience about the fascist impulse.[1] And through all his talk and going round and round, what he really said was that fascism was essentially racism, though he never uses the “R” word. People watched the digital Harari make assertions that could have taken a 30-second read in an email post. Though he makes some interesting points, his talk was loaded with humorous contradictions and lack of definition…READ MORE…
The Democratic Party's Strategic Game: From Brilliance to Chaos
Democrats stand at a crossroads, needing to reconcile its core values with the realities of a changing political landscape to regain trust and credibility among the electorate.
Since the defeat to "W," the Democratic Party has strategically maneuvered itself through the political landscape, aiming for increased progress and social justice. Initially, their efforts were seen as brilliant, with a focus on inclusivity, environmental protection, and healthcare reform. However, over time, this trajectory has shifted, revealing cracks in their foundation as the pursuit of progress has become entangled in chaos, lies, and a growing sense of self-worship.
At the core of the Democratic Party's strategy post-"W" was a commitment to inclusivity and diversity. They championed causes like LGBTQ+ rights, immigration reform, and racial equality, resonating with a younger, more diverse demographic. This strategic pivot helped them regain ground and build a formidable coalition of supporters who believed in their vision for a more inclusive society…READ MORE…
Should America Scrap the Electoral College?
With the 2024 presidential election less than six months away, squabbles about how Americans elect their president have begun anew.
For those who may have forgotten what they learned in civics classes (if indeed, anybody still learns about civics in today’s schools) presidential elections consist of both a popular vote and an electoral college.
The Founding Fathers created the Electoral College as a compromise between electing the president via a vote in Congress or a popular vote only.
On one side were those who feared a popular vote would result in the “tyranny of the majority.” They argued that the presidential election needed to be safeguarded against uninformed or uneducated voters by putting the final decision in the hands of electors who were most likely to possess the information necessary to make the best decision in a time when news was not widely disseminated…READ MORE…
Taxation is Theft: Examining Alternatives in Government Funding
Big government requires big taxes. It’s time to stop income tax, reduce government waste, and protect people’s rights.
If the USA can print billions of dollars to give to foreign nations, we don’t need income taxes. Prior to Woodrow Wilson, the USA didn’t have income tax and had a small government. Big government requires big taxes. It’s time to stop income tax, reduce government waste, and protect people’s rights.
In the ongoing discourse about income tax in the United States, a critical aspect often overlooked is the extent to which big government infringes on people's rights. This infringement, coupled with the government's ability to print substantial sums for foreign aid, raises valid questions about the necessity of income taxes for domestic purposes…READ MORE…
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