Fascism is About Mandates- Not Babies
Recent main stream media talking heads have tried to equate having babies as fascism. Of course, the sidebar to this narrative is that killing babies is about “democracy.”
Recent main stream media talking heads have tried to equate having babies as fascism. Of course, the sidebar to this narrative is that killing babies is about “democracy.” How one can have “democracy” without babies and people is anyone’s guess, but why let demographic reality get in the way of a Leftist talking point?
But in reality, fascism is not about having babies. It’s about government mandates to manipulate private day-to-day life…READ MORE…
WATCH: ‘DIDN’T REALIZE THAT’: Harris, Whitmer joke they’ve been caught telling secrets in bar #shorts
Vice President Kamala Harris and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joke that they were caught telling ‘all the family secrets’ while in a Michigan bar…READ MORE…
The sham-didate “Kamala participated in a one-person debate on CNN and she lost.
Harris is a heels up politician, groomed over a quarter-century by a California Democrat Party trying to instill Maoism in America through DEI. Her qualifications are being black, female and Asian. She went from local DA to state attorney general to U.S. senator before being selected as vice president due to the color of her skin and not the content of her character.
Along the way, she never had to prove herself. Her sex and her races protected her from criticism. Never challenged, this year she was left to fend for herself in a debate with a savvy speaker who could sell refrigerators to Eskimos if we still called them that…READ MORE…
The Land of Israel Versus the State of Israel; Part Five; Daniel 2’s destruction of the fourth empire and Exodus 2.0.
What God says on the subject of this section can be found in Daniel chapter 2; Hosea chapters 10,11,12; Ezekiel chapters 20, 28, 37 and 38; Isaiah 11, 52. The arguments developed below are extracted from these two books: The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and Revelation the Fair God.…READ MORE…
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