Falling to Pieces
Maybe it's not fair, but bad things do happen to good people. And while it makes no sense to us, we can trust that God has a plan for our hope and future.
This week has been a tough one. I learned that a childhood friend committed suicide. My son's father has been hospitalized with serious health issues. Our beloved cat may be in his last days.
(Don't misunderstand--I am not equating my cat's illness with the death or illness of human beings. I'm just pointing out that this week has not been spectacular.)
I'm not the first to write about why bad things happen to good people. Multiple books have been published on the subject. Here's just a sample (Disclaimer: I'm not recommending any of them because I've not read…READ MORE…
Highlights of the News; Being a "Palestinian" isn't a day at the beach — or is it?
Don Surber's weekly recap of great events and interesting people in the news.
ITEM 1: NBC reported, “Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on Thursday called a special session for the state's Legislature to get President Joe Biden on the ballot this November, saying his patience has run out with his fellow Republicans who appear less than inclined to offer a legislative fix for a timing problem with the Democrat convention.”
Democrats refuse to obey the law but somehow Republicans are to blame.
DeWine is a reminder to pick up some shrimp at Captain D’s tonight.
ITEM 2: Biden sent condolences on the death of Iran’s president.
My thoughts and prayers are with the helicopter…READ MORE…
Memorial, by Sean Dietrich
“Don’t say ‘Happy Memorial Day' this weekend. It’s not happy. It ain’t about parades and barbecues. It’s about missing someone so badly you can’t breathe.”
The 94-year-old woman gets a jumpstart on Decoration Day every year. The cemetery gets busy at her little church in Elmore County. She likes to be early to the party.
She has brown-flecked hands. Tissue-paper skin. She arrives at the cemetery accompanied by her grandson. They get there in the morning, before the heat of the day. When fog still hangs above the earth.
Her grandson helps her out of the car. She uses a four-pronged cane to walk. Her grandson carries a box of decorations.
“What was my grandfather like?” the kid asks…READ MORE…
The Dilution of Christianity in Evangelical Circles
The practice of encouraging quick commitments to Jesus without ensuring a deep, foundational understanding of the faith has led to superficial conversions.
Evangelical Christianity, while often driven by sincere intentions to spread the faith, has in some instances created a diluted understanding of what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. The practice of encouraging quick commitments to Jesus without ensuring a deep, foundational understanding of the faith has led to superficial conversions. When evangelism focuses on adding numbers to a "scorecard" of conversions rather than nurturing genuine, heart-felt discipleship, it risks making a mockery of the profound and transformative journey that true Christianity entails…READ MORE…
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