Faith in the Fire: How Connection and Community Heal Depression
Depression isolates. It whispers lies, convincing us that no one cares and that our pain is too much for others to bear.
Depression isolates. It whispers lies, convincing us that no one cares and that our pain is too much for others to bear. Yet the story of Job teaches us the value of staying connected during life’s most difficult moments. Even though Job’s friends failed him in many ways, their presence during his suffering underscores an important truth: we are not meant to suffer alone. God designed us to seek Him and lean on each other in times of need, even when those around us aren’t perfect. …READ MORE…
Struggling with Doubt | Luke 1:18
Zechariah said to the angel, ‘How can I be sure this will happen? I’m an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years.’ (Luke 1:18 NLT)
Have you ever prayed for something, but it took a long time for God to answer it? Then again, have you ever prayed for something, and the answer came so quickly that it almost scared you? You didn’t believe that your prayer could be answered that quickly. That is why we need to pray about things. …READ MORE…
Adventus by Sean Dietrich
When I was a kid, our Christmases were so small you could have held them in the back of a van. It wasn’t that we were poor insomuch as my dad was a notorious cheapskate. Mama said if he ever died he would walk toward the light merely so he could turn it off. …READ MORE…
7 year tribulations? Myths to reality, Part 1
Introduction to the end time myths.
This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein. …READ MORE…
Keep Me in Your Peace
Christmas is upon us. If you’re not frazzled and haven’t voiced the opinion that Christmas comes faster each and every year, then you’re in the minority. …READ MORE…
Highlights of the week; 43 shopping days left until the inauguration
ITEM 1: Breitbart reported, “Several top Veterans Affairs officials in Tennessee resigned as an internal investigation and a broader congressional probe into alleged sexual misconduct intensified, Breitbart News has learned. …READ MORE…
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