Failure IS The Plan
The level of failure in this current administration is the plan. To put it another way, I'll borrow a more current phrase - Biden's failure is a feature, not a bug
Decades of analysis and watching trends while I was in the military and working with multiple government agencies led me to form sound conclusions about a variety of topics in the world of geopolitics and military strategies. The simple conclusion is that sometimes, failure is the plan…READ MORE…
Fakers in U.S. Intelligence Warns of Foreign Interference Favoring Trump in Upcoming Election
Scammers are once again playing the fake Russia, Russia, Russia angle. Knowing that China backs the Democrats, our Left controlled media keeps playing the same fake news angles. Here's the summary of their nonsense... which is on all so-called mainstream news…READ MORE…
To survive, news media must be more like Twitter
I have faith in Musk’s ability to solve a problem — any problem. The rest of the media could learn from him. He took over a leftist social platform and opened it to all viewpoints again. He canned the censors of conservatives and quickly regained the credibility that Jack Dorsey had sold out to the federal government for a lousy few million bucks. …READ MORE…
The Misuse of "White Christian Nationalist"
The term "White Christian Nationalist" reduces a diverse group of people to a negative stereotype, ignoring the complexity and individuality of their beliefs and practices.
The term "White Christian Nationalist" has gained traction as a derogatory label used to stereotype and marginalize a specific group of Christians. This term is not only misleading but also dangerously divisive, as it unjustly portrays Christians as radical extremists based on their race and faith. It's important to understand the agenda behind this term and recognize its harmful impact…READ MORE…
Israel Calls for NATO to Expel Turkey Amid Escalating Tensions Over Gaza Conflict
The future Sultan of Turkey is preparing to invade neighbors. Israel stands in his way. Turkey, still a member of NATO, perhaps needs to not be, as his nation descends into dictatorship…READ MORE…
Conditioning, Path Dependency and Societal Revolution, Part 3
As we start this process, perhaps we should also keep in mind what a free republic needs: an educated and informed electorate that engages in critical thinking that makes decisions that reinforce and nourish liberty and prosperity…READ MORE…
Nostalgia For Days Gone By
Historic, scary, dangerous battles: political, shootings, fires, climate…. Enough already!! Time for a break with a nostalgic trip to a simpler and more fun era…READ MORE…
Federalist 72; Opposing Term Limits in the Presidency
Presidential Term Limits are a two-sided issue balancing necessary powers of the presidency, with checks and balances that prevent a return to monarchy…READ MORE…
Deadly Plaza 2.0?
Americans are becoming totally frustrated and fed up with a government that is more of a facade than a reality…READ MORE…
The Real Motives Behind the 1999 Bombing of Serbia
In 1999, the United States led a NATO bombing campaign against Serbia for 78 days, an action officially justified as a humanitarian intervention to protect the Muslim population in Kosovo. However, underlying this operation were strategic motives aimed at establishing a significant NATO military presence in southeastern Europe. This campaign culminated in the contentious occupation of the Pristina airfield, which the Russians swiftly took control of, underscoring the geopolitical tug-of-war that characterized the region…READ MORE…
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