Eclipsing the Cynics
G.K. Chesterton wrote that coincidences are spiritual puns. And those spiritual puns just kept coming
The week before the recent solar eclipse, an extensive nor’easter disabled power to hundreds of thousands. On the Friday before the celestial happenings, a rare 4.8 earthquake centered in New Jersey shook a good part of the Northeastjust days after a much larger quake in Taiwan – 7.4 magnitude – collapsed buildings resulting in at least 13 deaths.
Then on Monday, the anticipated full solar eclipse occurred on the Catholic feast of the Annunciation, where Our Lord’s Blessed Mother was overshadowed by the power of the Most High (Luke 1:35). Later that day, at sunset, commenced the Jewish observance of Passover.
G.K. Chesterton wrote that coincidences are spiritual puns.
And those spiritual puns just kept coming…READ MORE…
Past the Point of “NO RETURN,” Civil War 2.0”
The Balkan Civil wars of the mid-1990s were not just distant conflicts in a faraway land; they were harbingers of profound lessons that we, as a nation and a military, have regrettably begun to forget.
The Balkan Civil wars of the mid-1990s were not just distant conflicts in a faraway land; they were harbingers of profound lessons that we, as a nation and a military, have regrettably begun to forget. As someone who led 30 Cavalrymen into the Bosnia to “clean up a mess” in 1998, I can attest firsthand that the romanticized notion of civil war is a dangerous fallacy. Bosnia shattered my youthful idealism and revealed the grim reality of human cruelty and suffering.
Today, as we witness the ominous signs of balkanization within our own borders, particularly exemplified by movements like those in Texas, we must heed the warnings from history and reject any glorification of civil conflict…READ MORE…
Tranny keep your gun; A new study shows claims about gender-affirming care (as the AP calls it) are full of feces
File this post in We Were Right, The Experts Were Wrong folder, which is overflowing.
A year ago, Bud Light hired actor Dylan Mulvaney, who portrays himself as a girl, to promote its beer to the LGBT crowd. Sales immediately fell by 25% and CNN later reported it cost the brewer $1.4 billion in sales because people are tired of being bullied by drag queens.
The media called Mister Mulvaney she and called boycotters transphobic.
Fine. Whatever. He’s a he and even if he lops it off, he’s a he because chromosomes don’t lie.
People do. Out of Canada came Mister Lemieux, a shop teacher who now calls himself Kayla and wears a Z-cup chest. Given the over-the-top size of his new top and the fact that he still dresses as a male in private, I have concluded that he is putting everyone on. Even if he is not putting everyone on, he’s still a male…READ MORE…
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