Dr. Fauci’s Pardon Predicament: Immunity from the Feds, But Not the States
Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s once-beloved “Trust the Science” icon, seems to have swapped his lab coat for a Teflon suit, courtesy of President Biden’s pardon. After months of dodging questions (and truth) about gain-of-function research during congressional hearings, Fauci got a get-out-of-jail-free card. Unfortunately for him, state prosecutors aren’t as forgiving—or easily distracted by his carefully curated “I am Science” persona. His federal reprieve is as useful as a mask mandate in the middle of a super-spreader event. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Trump signs executive order banning transgender service members
Fox News’ Peter Doocy reports the latest on the executive orders from the White House. The ‘Fox & Friends’ co-hosts react and Medal of Honor recipient Staff Sgt. David Bellavia weighs in on the anti-woke push within the Defense Department. #FoxNews …WATCH HERE…
Trump Cancels Digital Currency: Diane Resumes Online Banking
Whew! I was really getting tired of writing checks, which requires a stamp, an envelope and a trip to the post office. It was exhausting! The Public Utility District doesn’t even provide a return envelope! Such a pain. Two years ago I stopped online banking and reverted to mailing checks as my way of fighting back against the planned digital currency tyranny. If enough of us stopped online banking it would slow down the implementation of Central Bank (owned by our federal overlords) Digital Currency. …READ MORE…
A Nineteen-Year-Old Miracle
She’s 19. Beautiful. Violent red hair. And smart. Morgan is one of those rare humans who honestly thinks math was not invented by Satan.
The girl climbs into my truck, buckles herself in. …READ MORE…
President Trump Delivers Long Overdo Consequences
Ralph Waldo Emerson warned: “When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” The implication being that failed attempts to overthrow a government, may come with rather unpleasant consequences. It’s a lesson our imagination challenged leftists are learning now – much to their chagrin. …READ MORE…
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