After Two Failures, "They" Are Getting Desperate
Dems Are One Step Short Of Offering A Bounty On Trump
Democrats have been promoting & funding political violence for well over a decade now. Sunday’s second assassination attempt on Trump can only be seen as a symptom of the hate and vitriol Democrats at the highest levels, the lowest levels and everywhere in between, have been spewing at him for eight years now…READ MORE…
Don Surber's Weekly Highlights
Don Surber looks at last week's significant events and provides his own, somewhat ribald interpretation.…READ MORE…
Our Atavistic Fears
When I sit in my garden office, I often smile at the squirrels, rabbits, and birds as they move about eating and socializing. But on the times that I see the local black snake, I cringe a bit. Now, intellectually, I understand that a black snake will not harm me unless I mess with it and that they are good for the garden. But subconsciously, I cannot get beyond the atavistic fear of snakes programmed into humans…READ MORE…
In Our Own Image | Romans 1:21
Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. (Romans 1:21 NLT)…READ MORE…
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