Divided THEY Fall
The traditional motto of the United States is "In God We Trust," but the motto on the Great Seal of our nation is "E Pluribus Unum," - Latin for 'Out of Many, One'...circa 1782.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand." Matthew 12:25, Lincoln, 1858
For those who are not taught such things anymore, the traditional motto of the United States is "In God We Trust," but the motto on the Great Seal of our nation is "E Pluribus Unum," - Latin for 'Out of Many, One'...circa 1782.
There was a time when differing political opinions meant a good discussion at the dinner table or workplace. In those days, political business conducted itself through compromise. After all, they all believed in the basic values of America: freedom, love of God, country, family, and hard work through private enterprise. We were all in it together. No longer. The public square now bans and ostracizes conservatives…READ MORE…
What Do AI Bots Reveal About Their Creators?
The science of computer technology is transitioning from computers as computational devices, to imitators of human behavior.
We’re undergoing a revolution in the computer industry. The science is transitioning from computers as computational devices, to imitators of human behavior. Recent revelations in artificial intelligence (AI) have left me conflicted. I don’t know whether to laugh, or start building a Skynet resistant bunker. AI bots in the news have recently demonstrated behaviors that range from quirky (à la C-3P0) to downright scary – in a HAL 9000 kind of way. It seems to me that recent misadventures in AI tell us more about the practitioners of the technology, than the state of the science itself…READ MORE…
Countdown to Armageddon: The Rapid Unfolding of World War 3.0
In a world where nuclear arsenals number in the thousands, the specter of World War 3.0 looms ominously
In a world where nuclear arsenals number in the thousands, the specter of World War 3.0 looms ominously, with catastrophic consequences hanging in the balance. With 1,770 nuclear warheads in the United States, 1,640 in Russia, and 1,200 spread across the rest of the world, the potential for global devastation is unparalleled…READ MORE…
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