Dems’ regroup after post-debate freakout, pivot to a revised narrative - at least for now
To put it mildly, President Joe Biden didn’t get quite the reboot he was hoping for from his showdown in Atlanta with former President Donald Trump.
[R]emember: the media democrat complex is reacting in horror over Joe's condition not because they saw it - it's because you saw it.” - Greg Gutfeld on Biden's debate performance
To put it mildly, President Joe Biden didn’t get quite the reboot he was hoping for from his showdown in Atlanta with former President Donald Trump. The electorate was horrified by Biden’s frail physical condition, his incoherence, and his vacant, slack-jawed stares during last week’s debate. And Democratic politicians and pundits, the same ones who have assured voters for years that Biden is “sharp as a tack,” were finally forced to admit the truth: the president is not fit to serve.
But Biden’s candidacy wasn’t the only casualty of the debate. Among the wounded are First Lady Jill Biden, every member of the president’s inner circle, Democratic members of Congress (except for Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips who challenged Biden in the Democratic primary because of his age), Biden’s personal physician, and the legacy media, which have become the party’s Praetorian Guard…READ MORE…
Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt
Last Thursday's debate appearance by President Joe Biden finally brought reality home to millions of Democrats, from the Editorial Board at The New York Times to that of The Washington Post to private citizens everywhere.
It seems that they were shocked, shocked! by the images of a President who appeared to be sinking into some stage of dementia.¹
This was no surprise to anyone who had been paying attention, but either the American left had not been paying attention, or were refusing to believe the evidence of their own eyes because they did not want to believe the evidence of their eyes…READ MORE…
J6: Supreme Court Slaps Down Biden's Corrupt DOJ
In a 6-3 decision, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that the subsection used to round up and prosecute Trump voters is tethered to the subsection that addresses tampering with a record, document, or object.
Friday's Supreme Court decision slapped down Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and dozens of Hate-Trump federal judges in the DC Swamp who wrongfully prosecuted and wrongfully convicted about 350 January 6th defendants with the post-Enron felony. Enron was a FINANCIAL crime…READ MORE…
Historic Debacle As Debate
The Biden-Trump Debate wasn’t anywhere up to the level of Lincoln-Douglas Debates, but it was historic. The visuals of Biden being himself – an infirm, declining, old man – were stunning. Even for folks who’ve known it since he hid in his basement throughout the 2020 election. Once the initial shock is over the questions come fast…READ MORE…
John Parillo on: Federalist 46 to 48
On Resisting the Federal Government and the Separation of Powers
In Federalist 46 Madison continues his exploration of the relationship between the Federal and State governments. He points out that, for those who oppose the new form of government, “They must be told that the ultimate authority, wherever the derivative may be found, resides in the people alone”. [1] …READ MORE…
Trump Court Rolls On
On Friday, Chief Justice John Roberts knocked out the deep state by eliminating the bureaucracy’s ability to buffalo judges into agreeing to its interpretation of the law, rather than allow the judges to interpret the law as the Constitution requires.
In a decision released on Friday, Roberts declared, “Chevron is overruled. Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”…READ MORE…
Ballot Harvesting Is So Yesterday
Democrats Are Implementing NEW Election Scheme
Voter registration information is now available in nearly 20 languages, including Chinese, Arabic & Navajo, up from just English & Spanish during 2020 election. Voter registration does NOT require proof of citizenship and Biden Regime is registering illegals while they sign up for taxpayers-funded welfare…READ MORE…
President Biden showed a remarkable resemblance to a Star Trek character last Thursday. That should scare the hell out of everyone.…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol II - Episode 90: Games, Iran, and Ash-e-Reshteh Soup
Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds...
In today’s episode, Joe Buckstop is playing a videogame when he’s interrupted by news from Iran…
Games, Iran, and Ash-e-Reshteh Soup
Dateline: June 26. Begin Transcript:
"Hello! Who's hungry tonight!"
"Wait a minute! Stay out! Don't come in yet!"
"You don't have to hide the game controller, sir. It's after hours, nobody minds if you're playing video games, sir."
"I'm not! I'm not playing games! I'm working here!"…READ MORE…
Pineapple, Politics, Power and Dole Fruit
The history of the pineapple is intricately woven with the political and economic transformations that shaped modern Hawaii. Originally native to South America, pineapples were cultivated by indigenous peoples long before European explorers encountered them. The fruit made its way to Europe in the late 15th century, and by the 18th and 19th centuries, it had become a symbol of wealth and exotic luxury. However, it was in Hawaii that the pineapple would find its most significant role, both economically and politically…READ MORE…
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