When President Trump held a rally in Tucson, Arizona on September 12th members of the group “Latinos for Trump” were on the stage, sitting behind and to Trump’s right during this inside rally. At least 20 within this group have apparently been covertly attacked by a high-power laser. Some victims suffered severe burns. Many were temporarily blinded, with symptoms which are continuing. Others may have been affected, but have yet to be identified…READ MORE…
Israeli pager attacks were pure genius; They should also serve as a wake-up call
It was impossible not to be impressed by Israel's pager attacks on Hezbollah, the Iranian terrorist proxy based in southern Lebanon. The conception of the plan, the years of coordination, and the final execution of the plan were an intelligence coup. The simultaneous explosions also provided lots of fodder for social media users who are calling the maneuver "Operation Grim Beeper" and "Operation Below the Belt," among other things. Call it what you like, it was brilliant. And it couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of fellows…READ MORE…
House Unanimously Passes Bill to Strengthen Security for Presidential Candidates After Trump Assassination Attempts
The House of Representatives just pulled off something you don't see every day— unanimity. In a rare moment, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle passed a bill aimed at beefing up security for presidential and vice-presidential candidates. The push came after two frightening assassination attempts targeted former President Donald Trump. With a resounding 405 to 0 vote, it was one of those rare moments of total agreement…READ MORE…
The Undecided Voter
At least three percent of American presidential voters are “undecided.” In a tight race, provided the polls are accurate, such a modest percentage (158 million voted in 2020) translates to 4.7 million Americans remain fence sitters and could be the difference in November’s election…READ MORE…
SecDef Lloyd Austin Just Revealed America’s Weakness
The recent meeting of the “Ramstein Group,” headed up by the American Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, laid out bad news… not just for Ukraine, but for the West in general…READ MORE…
Mossad and Springfield Cats
From kitty cordon bleu to Israeli electronic innovation, Don Surber puts his imprint on the daily news…READ MORE…
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