Cops Don’t Work Where Their Family Eats And Sleeps
Police must often be rough with the people in their patrol areas, which is why the cop (and his family) cannot live there.
“I rob banks because that’s where the money is.”
Quote attributed to Willie Sutton when asked why he robs banks.
I was surfing through some police news summaries and found this article on one of the latest police “reforms” from Louisville KY. In the aftermath of the 2020 George Floyd riots, the city settled a lawsuit from the family of Breonna Taylor. In addition to the 12-million-dollar payout, the city agreed to certain “improvements” of the police department.
One of the interesting ones was to pay officers $5,000 to purchase a house in selected neighborhoods of Louisville. By selected, they mean “low to moderate income areas,” aka “Da Hood.” Forgive me if I look poorly upon the concept. If you want cops living in the city, why not offer it in areas that are not “Da Hood.” Well, the writer is surprised no one took the city up on the offer. READ MORE…
Sowing The Wind, Part 2: The Role Of Technology And Language
“Atomization of society” is a time-tested, highly effective communist, Nazi, and fascist tactic: break up every normal, natural connection in society: the family, the church, synagogue, temple; pervert everyday language; portray “the other” as a mortal enemy; and isolate people from each other and their communities—all in order to enable totalitarian control.
Ubiquitous technology—cell phones, tablets, inexpensive computers, and gaming consoles—drives this “atomization” to an unprecedented level. Look around you: everyone’s head is buried in some electronic device. We increasingly relate to others online, in cyberspace. Our “friends” are on Facebook. Our social status is measured by the number of our “followers”. READ MORE…
Unveiling the Roots of Russian Resentment: Understanding the Nazi Betrayal in World War II
For decades, the relationship between Russia and Germany has been fraught with tension and suspicion, stemming from the betrayal inflicted by the Nazis during World War II. To comprehend the enduring animosity harbored by Russians toward Germans, one must delve into the historical context of the Nazi double-cross that left an indelible mark on the collective memory of the Russian people.
At the heart of the matter lies the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a non-aggression treaty signed between Germany and the Soviet Union in August 1939. READ MORE…
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