CNN Debate: Who Will Change Biden's Diaper?
When Biden falls flat on his face, either literally or figuratively, there is still time to nominate a better candidate.
Forgive me for being so crude, but Americans must face the facts.^ There is a man living in the White House pretending to be the Head of the Free World who is not capable of performing the most basic duties of a president. Indeed, based upon observable symptoms, he was in the middle stage of dementia* when he was running for the Democrat nomination and he is now entering the late stage. In the late stage many patients start to strongly believe things that aren’t true (delusions), such as believing that he is ahead in the polls and that inflation was 9% when he moved into the White House when it was 1.4%.
He was able to read and scream his way through most of the SOTU teleprompter Speech on March 7th because he was given an injection of a stimulant, such as Adderall or Methylphenidate. Why was he so angry, you ask? Stimulants give dementia patients energy, but many also react with anger and rage. You may have noticed that he ran out of energy toward the end of his 68 minute speech and was screaming less: the stimulant was wearing off…READ MORE…
The Impending Economic Collapse and the Future Global Consequences
A sudden devaluation or collapse of the dollar would lead to a cascade of financial crises worldwide, possibly precipitating a World War.
Speculating on the theory of an impending dollar crash brings to mind the catastrophic economic consequences that could unfold worldwide. The United States dollar, serving as the world's primary reserve currency, underpins global trade and finance. Should it collapse, the resulting economic turmoil could mirror the Great Depression of the 1930s, exacerbating the conditions under which every social program is introduced and personal freedoms are severely restricted. This scenario would play out regardless of whether a Republican or Democrat occupies the Oval Office.…READ MORE…
Intifada hurt Democrats: Democrats are drinking the venom of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism.
Americans woke up last Wednesday morning to scenes on TV of police in blue cities arresting college students who camped on campuses. The action came as Democrats were appalled —
The internal numbers must be even worse because Chuckles the Clown Schumer, the Senate Democrat leader, took to the Senate floor and said, “Smashing windows with hammers and taking over a university building is not free speech. It is lawlessness. And those who did it should promptly face the consequences that are not merely a slap on the wrist.
“Campuses cannot be places of learning and argument and discussion when protests veer into criminality and those who commit such acts are doing nothing to convince others that their cause is just.”…READ MORE…
A Switch-Hitting Title IX
Some headlines fly under the radar that too often seem by design.
Last month, the Biden administration in an authoritarian overreach of the first order, twisted the longstanding Title IX into a political pretzel by redefining “sex” to include “gender identity.”
Title IX has a long and storied history signed into law by President Richard Nixon in 1972. Simply defined, Title IX prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities that receive federal funding.”…READ MORE…
The Parallels Between Woke Ideology and Social Marxism
Woke the woke ideology emphasizes government coerced alleged social justice, equality and a critical examination of historical and systemic injustices.
In recent years, the rise of "woke" ideology has sparked considerable debate in cultural and political arenas. At its core, this ideology emphasizes social justice, equality, and a critical examination of historical and systemic injustices. Interestingly, there are significant parallels between woke ideology and social Marxism, a theory rooted in the writings of Karl Marx and further developed by later thinkers. Both frameworks seek to address perceived imbalances of power and advocate for a radical restructuring of society…READ MORE…
Clarence Thomas Just Got Something Huge - Hugely Wrong
A longtime friend long ago observed that when Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas disagreed - Thomas was correct.
Call me quaint. Call me old fashioned. I like the US Constitution.
I like it - as it is written. No emanations - no penumbras. As the late Justice Antonin Scalia rightly observed:
“The Constitution says what it says - and doesn't say what it doesn't say.”
And even Scalia wasn’t originalist enough for me…READ MORE…
Weekly Notes From Chuck Klein
Beginning in 1979 China tried to control their unwieldy population by curtailing birth rates … and learned a generation later that there were not enough young people to replace/care-for the workers/retirees.
Last week’s observation tendered a short-term solution to illegal immigration. The crux of the problem is NOT immigration overload, soil, water, air pollution, wars, food supply, energy. These are only symptoms of the core problem: Human Over-Population. If the planet’s human population could be returned to pre-1800 levels all of the symptoms would disappear.
Beginning in 1979 China tried to control their unwieldy population by curtailing birth rates … and learned a generation later…READ MORE…
The Divided States of Amerika: A Satirical Spectacle
Welcome to the Divided States of Amerika, where the only thing more divided than our opinions is the amount of caffeine we need to cope with it all. In this land of polarized perspectives, political discourse has devolved into a circus act, complete with clowns, acrobatics, and a healthy dose of absurdity.
Our cultural landscape resembles a reality TV show gone rogue, with everyone clamoring for their fifteen minutes of fame, or infamy, depending on which side of the Tik Tok ban you're on. We've mastered the art of echo chambers, where algorithms serve us a steady diet of reinforcement for our beliefs, leaving us bloated with self-righteousness and low on empathy…READ MORE…
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