Christmas–A Little Bit More
Are you ready for Christmas? I am. Gift/gift cards are purchased, travel plans are confirmed (we’re not going anywhere, hallelujah), and baking is completed. We’ve been to a Christmas party, and the Christmas cantata has been sung. If it’s not done by now, it’s not getting done. …READ MORE…
Holy Dysfunction: The Family Tree of Jesus
Let’s not sugarcoat it—Jesus’ family tree is a mess. Sure, we like to picture a neat lineage filled with halos and harps, but a quick dive into the Bible reveals a reality TV-worthy cast of characters. His ancestors would make the Kardashians blush and Jerry Springer cancel his show out of sheer inadequacy. But here’s the twist: it’s precisely this motley crew of sinners, schemers, and societal outcasts that shows us God’s grace and proves your family drama doesn’t define your destiny.…READ MORE…
Can Science and God Coexist?
Faith and science may often seem at odds with one another, but renowned geneticist and former NIH director, Dr. Francis Collins, says that he actually sees science as a form of worship. He talks with Dr. Sanjay Gupta about how he’s interrogated his own beliefs around religion and what he says science can’t measure.…READ MORE…
A Christmas Story
Granddaddy placed me on his knee, he fuzzed my hair and smoked his Bing Crosby pipe. The world smelled like Prince Albert in a can.
“The year was 1862,” Granddaddy began his story. “The day was Christmas. The place was eastern Virginia.”…READ MORE…
7 year tribulations? Myths to reality, Part 3
The quantitative dimension of the 69 weeks.
This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein.
As developed in part 2, Gabriel’s revelation is for your people; it is relevant to Daniel’s people: the Jewish people.…READ MORE…
Highlights of the week; In 29 days, Trump returns as president
ITEM 1: WKRC reported, “[Virginian] man dies after bear shot from tree falls onto him.”
And Floridians say cold iguanas falling out of trees are a big problem.…READ MORE…
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