Biden Regime Importing Diseases
Immigration Statutes require border authorities to screen foreign nationals for communicable diseases. The Biden Regime does not follow this part of immigration law.
My dermatologist burst into the examination room, quite excited. He explained that he had just received test results confirming that his patient (not me) had leprosy (Hansen’s Disease)! No, he was not glad that she had acquired this horrible, medieval disease. He was proud that he had correctly diagnosed it. All he knew about leprosy was from textbooks when he was in medical schools, he said. The disease just did not exist in 1980s America when he encountered this unfortunate patient, a 30-something American woman. My doctor reasoned that she had acquired leprosy when she was doing aid work in Africa.…READ MORE…
Trump Train Keeps a-Rolling
Trump is no miracle man, but he has turned the tables. He got the world to pay attention to the Libertarian Party, which withered under the heat of the spotlight.
The political press is yukking it up because some Libertarians booed Trump at their presidential nomination convention. That is fine. Ask yourself when was the last time the Libertarian presidential candidate mattered. That Trump drew the press to the convention was the real story.…READ MORE…
The Ironic Socialist Reality of Military Service
Dave Cloft points out the irony of an institution dedicated to keeping our country free from socialism, is in its own construct, exactly that.
During my 25 years in uniform, I came to recognize a profound irony in my service to our nation, particularly around the time I made 1st Lieutenant. The military was actively engaged in combating the spread of communism and socialism abroad, yet within our own ranks, we operated under one of the most socialist systems in the United States. This realization brought a unique perspective to my understanding of service and the structures that support it.…READ MORE…
Examining Federalist Papers, 7 and 8
In Federalist 8 Hamilton discusses how war between the various states would be worse for the individual states than it would be between Europe’s various countries.
As we continue our exploration of the reasons that Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay gave the citizens of the various states for approving the new proposed constitution, one of the key questions at the time was, how was what they were now proposing better than the failed Articles of Confederation? A reasonable question given that many of the authors of the new document had participated in writing the old one.
It is helpful to remember that the original Articles were not a document that created a united country, rather it was an agreement for the states to cooperate in the spirit of friendship…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol II - Episode 83: Home Sweet Home, and Delaware Chicken and Slippery Dumpling Soup
Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds...
In today’s episode, Joe Buckstop, still early in his first year in office, has been on a diplomatic mission in Europe for a few days of meetings; we join him as he’s finally returned home to his basement.
Home Sweet Home, and Delaware Chicken and Slippery Dumpling Soup
Dateline June 16. Begin Transcript:
"You back there, chief?"
"Huh? What's that?"
"Oh good. Wouldn't have wanted to come all the way down these stairs, sir, and find an empty basement."
"Who's that?" …READ MORE…
From Khaki Guilt Trips to Rainbow Camo: A Snarky Comparison of Army Recruitment Ads
In snarky response to the celebration of a month dedicated to the sexually disordered, Dave Cloft has some pithy comments.
In the days before flappers and jazz took over, World War I recruitment ads were all about guilt-tripping young women in London. "Is your 'best boy' wearing khaki? If not, don't you think he should be? If he doesn't think you and your country are worth fighting for, well, is he even worthy of you?" Talk about setting relationship standards based on military fashion!…READ MORE…
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