Biden Corn Popps Biden
Once Donald Trump passed on debating his GOP rivals, that refusal provided Biden the perfect out for not debating Trump.
Once Donald Trump passed on debating his GOP rivals, the news was nothing short of a political windfall for Democrats and President Joe Biden. The refusal provided Biden the perfect out for not debating Trump.
It was a slam dunk as all Biden needed to do is retreat to his basement presidential campaign office and wait out those election harvested mail-in ballots.
Then, in what was supposed to be an interview with shock-jock (is there still such a thing) Howard Stern, who now walks point for Leftists, Biden declared that he would debate Donald Trump saying, “I am. Somewhere. I don’t know when. I’m happy to debate him.” …READ MORE…
The Tower of Babel Revisited: The new Divided States of America - DSA
The United States, once a beacon of unity and strength, now stands at a crossroads of division and discord reminiscent of the biblical Tower of Babel.
The thesis that the USA is akin to the Tower of Babel stems from the perception that we have strayed from foundational values, abandoned a shared sense of purpose, and embraced a culture of individualism and self-importance. We’ve become our own gods and our religion is self-worship.
One of the clearest signs of this division is the stark contrast between "woke" culture and traditional values. The clash of ideologies, beliefs, and language has created rifts within society, leading to polarization and fragmentation. We no longer speak the same language figuratively, as differing worldviews and priorities drive us further apart.
The consequences of this division are dire…READ MORE…
A Convention of States Would Enhance the 2nd Amendment
The reality is that an Article V convention is far more likely to strengthen our ability to bear arms, than to undermine it.
A commonly expressed concern about an Article V convention of states, it that it could undermine our 2nd Amendment rights. It’s easy to understand that fear, given that the MSM pushes the narrative that the vast majority of Americans favor restrictions on our right to bear arms. But that is a misrepresentation of the American people, and the likely outcome of a convention of states. The reality is that an Article V convention is far more likely to strengthen our ability to bear arms, than to undermine it.
In 2023, a simulated convention of states was conducted to demonstrate how the process would likely play out. Commissioners from 49 states attended. The commissioners were not shills from the Convention of States Action movement. They were mostly state legislators, selected from amongst our neighbors. In other words, they were an accurate reflection of those who would likely be selected for an official Article V convention…READ MORE…
Alexander Hamilton and the Life of a Loyalist Academic
Reflections on the anniversary of the closure of King’s College and the flight of its dean…
On May 10, 1775, Dr. Myles Cooper was on top of the world. As President of King’s College in New York City for the previous dozen years, he was in the inner circle of British leadership in New York, responsible for the education of many of the finest students in the Americas, spokesman for loyalist thought in an age of rebellion.
But by the morning of May 11, driven out of the college in the dead of night by an angry mob, he was lucky to escape with his life. The philosophical tide was turning in these colonies – against the Hanoverian King and his puppets in Parliament, and against their proud and blind local acolytes who seemingly littered polite society at the time.
The mouth of George III was on his way home to England, never to return, and he owed his very life to a lowly scholarship student, an honorable lad he had underestimated again and again: young Alexander Hamilton, the boy from St. Croix…READ MORE…
Satire: Beauty Masks: DEI’s Quest for Equitable Attractiveness
In a groundbreaking move to level the playing field of physical appearance, the U.S. government has declared war on good looks
In a groundbreaking move to level the playing field of physical appearance, the U.S. government has declared war on good looks, proclaiming it unfair that some individuals are born with naturally striking features while others are left grappling with the genetic lottery of "ugly" genes. Enter the latest mandate: masks, not just for pandemics anymore, but as the great equalizer of attractiveness.
Under the guise of promoting fairness and equity, citizens are now required to wear masks whenever in public, effectively hiding their faces and erasing any advantages bestowed by symmetrical features, chiseled jawlines, or dazzling smiles…READ MORE…
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