Biden Can’t Find A Queer, Black Electrician In Maine
Leave it to Democrats: All talk, no action. In 2021, the Biden Regime bragged it would build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2030. So far, it’s built SEVEN.
On May 26th, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who administers the funds apportioned for EV charger construction in the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Act, said Americans should not be surprised at the time it takes to stand up "a new category of federal investment." What the hell does THAT mean?…READ MORE…
How they wound up with Kamala
Democrats cannot win with Biden and they cannot win without him. When my sister was a teen, she once painted herself into a corner. She opened the window and got out. Democrats have no window.
Their Plan B is Kamala Harris, who is a joke. Passing her over would infuriate too many black voters to win. Nominating her would jumpstart the 2028 campaign to succeed President Trump…READ MORE…
Will Frankenstein 2.0 End As 1.0 Did?
Will Frankenstein 2.0 end the same way that 1.0 did? Will there be no clear winner between Joe Biden and the Democrat party, or will they destroy each other?
Just as the fictional Dr. Victor Frankenstein did, the Dems decided to assemble a creature out of spare parts. In this modern-day remake of the Mary Shelley novel, the “defenders of democracy” used a grandfatherly smile, amateurish hair plugs, aviator shades, and flexible ethics to create the ultimate politician. They got an animatronic creature suitable for any Disney ride, and lifelike enough to get elected – with the right stage management…READ MORE…
The Ground Truth of Civil War: A Veteran's Perspective
The potential for real, on-the-ground conflict is a sobering thought. Civil war is not an abstract concept; it's a devastating reality that leaves deep wounds on a nation and its people.
As a young army officer, I experienced the brutal reality of civil war firsthand. With three back-to-back tours in Bosnia, Albania, and Kosovo as a NATO and UN peacekeeper, I witnessed the chaos and destruction that such conflicts bring. Civil war is ugly, and the memories of those experiences serve as a stark reminder of what can happen when a nation turns on itself…READ MORE…
The United States of Amnesia: Sheep in the Land of Free Bread and Circuses
Welcome to the United States of Amnesia, where voters have memories as short as goldfish and the attention spans to match.
It's old news, and people are eager to forget. In this land of free bread and circuses, the empire crumbles while the flock grazes happily, oblivious to the chaos around them.
Once upon a time, America was a strong and virtuous nation, built on principles of hard work and integrity. Now, it seems those values have gone the way of the dinosaur, replaced by a collective arrogance, pride, and a staggering level of stupidity…READ MORE…
OK Democrats, Now What?
Now the real debate has begun, do the demoncrats keep Joe or ditch him? If they ditch him, who gets the nod?
Okay, so the debate between Donald Trump and the most awesome Joe Biden went as well anyone with any gumption (or smeddum as the Scots would say) expected it to. Biden is incontinent, incompetent, incoherent, pitifully out of it, and he performed as sane people expected. All DJT had to do was listen to the garbled content and comment that he didn’t know what Biden had said, and Biden didn’t know either. Pathetic. That was about as much a debate as soccer is football. It just ain’t…READ MORE…
Sowing Distrust: A Sinister Strategy to Undermine Democracy
In the realm of psychological operations, one of the most insidious strategies is to sow distrust and chaos within a society.
This method, when applied to the electoral process, aims to delegitimize elections and erode public faith in democratic institutions. If I were an evil strategist intent on destabilizing a nation, making elections illegitimate and questionable would be a primary tactic to achieve my goal of replacing the existing system with a new one under my control.
The first step in this malevolent plan would be to cast doubt on the integrity of the electoral process itself. By spreading misinformation about voter fraud, hacking, and election rigging, I would create an atmosphere of suspicion and paranoia…READ MORE…
John Parillo On: Federalist 52 and 53
John Parillo discourses on the compromise between direct democracy and states' power via the House of Representatives and the Senate.
While the founders did not trust democracy for the same reason as Plato and Aristotle, they recognized that, for the new constitution to be a republican government, the people must have some direct voice because “right of suffrage is very justly regarded as a fundamental article of republican government.”[1] The states would likely object to more direct voting, and they would absolutely not accept “one uniform rule” for how to conduct elections. The Constitution clearly leaves the process for conducting elections to the individual states with no federal involvement…READ MORE…
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