As Biden Stumbles Out Of Office . . . . . . How Many Asterisks Will He Get?
As the bitter, demented old man exits the White House, I find myself, as a presidential history buff, wondering how future historians will write about him. Surely, many of them will tell the whole truth about this man and his destructive administration. Mainly, I wonder how many asterisks will they place after Joe Biden’s name? His was not a normal presidency, nor was the election which installed him in the Oval Office. …READ MORE…
The Day Nixon Nuked the Dollar: How Vietnam, Jekyll Island, and Fiat Money Ruined Everything
On August 15, 1971, Richard Nixon took to the airwaves and delivered the financial equivalent of “Let them eat cake.” Except instead of cake, it was fiat currency, and instead of a revolution, we got decades of inflation and a bloated Federal Reserve. By “temporarily” suspending the dollar’s convertibility to gold, Nixon didn’t just close the gold window; he slammed it shut, locked it, and threw the key into the Vietnam quagmire. The man needed cash to fund a war no one wanted, and thanks to the groundwork laid at Jekyll Island in 1913, he found the perfect way to do it: print, baby, print. …READ MORE…
Watch: Israeli reacts to hostages’ release
CNN’s Bianna Golodryga is in Tel Aviv’s “Hostages Square” as news of the hostages release to the Red Cross in Gaza unfolded. Three Israeli hostages released by Hamas on Sunday are now back in Israel, according to a statement from the Israeli military. …WATCH HERE…
One Fine Teacher
I was an older college student. Early 30s. Bad at math. A dropout, going back to get his degree. I sat in the back rows, with plumbers and Hooters waitresses. I had fun. …READ MORE…
Nice Party Ya Got There
I have an observation for the Dems: Nice party ya got there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it – ya know, like a Biden presidency. …READ MORE…
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