An Open Letter to Three Soldiers
To the three servicemen who died in a midair collision on Wednesday in Washington DC. I’m sorry.
An Open Letter to Three Soldiers
To the three servicemen who died in a midair collision on Wednesday in Washington DC. I’m sorry.
I’m sorry for everything. Not just the tragedy itself. I’m sorry for all the crap that came after. All the fussing and fighting. The postulating. For all the disrespect to your memory. …READ MORE…
Stars, Stripes, and Kangaroos: How Two Free Nations Do Things Differently
This article was written by two friends in different hemispheres who enjoy comparing notes—one is Cedar Savage, an American who values personal freedom, cheap gas, and a well-armed population, and the other is Ron the Crocodile Hunter, an Aussie who pays more for fuel than his mortgage and lives in a land where even the crocodiles have government protection. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Washington plane crash: Air traffic controller was allowed to leave early on night of crash
A supervisor allowed an air traffic controller to leave their shift early on the night of the crash at Reagan National Airport, our US partner network NBC News has confirmed.
The New York Times first reported this detail earlier today.
This meant a single controller was handling traffic for planes and helicopters in the area. …WATCH HERE…
Potomac Crash, a Soldier’s View
In the 24-hour news cycle, everyone wants to play the blame game. It is not just the corrupt media that plays this game. Government agencies, media, and even senior “leaders” in the military are all active participants. We rush to blame someone before the data is gathered and the analysis is conducted. …READ MORE…
Court Clears The Way For J6ers And Other 01/06/21 Patriots To Receive Billions
Remember the domestic terrorists who burnt, looted and murdered (35 people) for months during their rampage across America’s Blue Cities in support of a career criminal whose body was on its last leg^ after decades of drug & alcohol abuse before his May 25, 2020 encounter with Minneapolis police? The loot they are now getting FROM YOU due to “excess force” by federal law enforcement could pave the way for both J6 defendants and anyone who was assaulted by police at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Remember, it is all on video. …READ MORE…
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