America's Leader Returns To Butler, PA
Saturday evening, President Trump returned to the same stage^ where a Democrat activist tried to assassinate the leader of the MAGA Movement.
Saturday evening, President Trump returned to the same stage^ where a Democrat activist tried to assassinate the leader of the MAGA Movement. Lee Greenwood appeared on stage in Butler, Pennsylvania, opening the rally with his signature song made famous by Trump’s rallies: “Proud to Be an American” (AKA “God Bless The USA”). Rally goers would soon notice that this was a very special rally.
“A cold-blooded assassin aimed to silence me and silence the greatest movement, MAGA, in the history of our country,” Trump told supporters at the Butler Farm Show, the same open-air venue where a Democrat activist tried to take his life and wound up assassinating one of his supporters. “By the hand of Providence and the grace of God, that villain did not succeed in his goal, did not come close.”…READ MORE…
Do You Measure Up?
In the Bible, we read how the Israelites, over and over, didn't measure up to God's laws. And they saw the consequences. Are we any better today at measuring up?
We gripe the loss of “the good ol’ days,” but do we really want to go back there? And how far back do we have to go to get to these halcyon days? Let’s assume that these glorious times were pre-1970. Back in the days when kids could trick-or-treat all over the neighborhood without having to worry about being kidnapped or poisoned…READ MORE…
God's Law and the Role of Nations: Understanding Divine Justice in Global Affairs
Throughout history, nations have risen and fallen under the sovereign will of God, according to His divine laws. Scripture teaches us that God’s kingdom is built upon laws that govern not only individuals but also nations. When nations deviate from the righteousness and morality established by God, they invite His judgment. Often, this judgment comes in the form of other nations acting as instruments of divine correction. For this reason, it is crucial for national leaders to recognize that their governance must align with God's principles, or they risk bringing punishment upon their people, through the very nations God uses to fulfill His justice…READ MORE…
A Streaming Timeout
In today’s world of partisan politics, it is certainly an anomaly when any legislation passes by a 91 to 3 margin. You would think this would be a newsworthy event, but few news’ outlets gave it any serious time or ink. This large margin was the result of two recent bills that passed in the Senate: The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0)…READ MORE…
Highlights of the Week Irrefutable proof that Kamala is black.
Don Surber looks at last week's significant events and provides his own, somewhat ribald interpretation…READ MORE…
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