America, Learn from Sweden’s Mistake: Preserve Our Values Before It’s Too Late
Once lauded as a utopia of inclusivity, Sweden now faces rising crime rates, social unrest, and the breakdown of its cohesive identity
Sweden’s open-border experiment has turned into a cautionary tale of unchecked immigration and cultural dilution. Once lauded as a utopia of inclusivity, Sweden now faces rising crime rates, social unrest, and the breakdown of its cohesive identity—all because it failed to ensure that newcomers embraced its fundamental values. The United States, witnessing this implosion from afar, has no excuse for repeating such a catastrophic blunder. If we are serious about preserving the American way of life, we must adopt a framework that ensures immigrants share the values enshrined in our Constitution, and we need mechanisms to address those who reject them. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Trump nominates Pam Bondi for AG after Gaetz withdraws from consideration
President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday named longtime ally Pam Bondi as his new choice for attorney general, capping a tumultuous week for previous pick Matt Gaetz. The Morning Joe panel discusses. …WATCH HERE…
Paul vs. Tyson 2024: A Pathetic Vestige of Douglas vs. Tyson 1990
Well, wasn’t THAT something?
Jake Paul, a 27-year-old social media YouTuber, actor, and fledgling professional boxer, vs. 58-year-old Mike Tyson, the former world heavyweight champion, in an eight-round bout that was essentially a pugilistic travesty.
Last Friday’s bout was like watching an exasperated grandfather chase his bratty grandson around the living room. …READ MORE…
Undermining First Principles
One of the first liberating principles upon which our republic was founded…going back to well before the Declaration of Independence…declared that men could actually govern themselves. That revolutionary idea, derived from the thinking of philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and others, was based on the social contract concept in which people agree to form a society and abide by its rules to live together peacefully, surrendering some of their freedoms in exchange for protection of their remaining rights and maintenance of social order. …READ MORE…
George Mcclellan: Potential Election Fallout and What’s Coming
As conservatives recover from the unabashed but rare joy of victory, no thanks to the GOP, and review the shattered remains of the Progressive Democrat Party scattered to the wind, we are reminded that even now, while leaderless, the radical Left is doubling down in their schemes to deny Trump his role as Americas next President. How? Trump did win, didn’t he? First, be aware that these types of claims coming so recently after the Democrat debacle that was the November election are simply a scheme to raise funds based on our fears. I do not say it’s terrible; it is just a logical move to refill their coffers. Both parties are making many such claims.…READ MORE…
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