The Bible’s Clear Distinction Between Murder and Killing: Confronting Evil in a Fallen World
The Bible draws a clear and vital distinction between murder and killing, addressing both the sacredness of life and the reality of living in a fallen world. Throughout Scripture, the act of murder is condemned as a grievous sin, while there are instances where killing is seen as a necessary means to defend innocent life or confront evil. This distinction is crucial for understanding God’s moral order in a world where evil often threatens the righteous. By exploring this biblical nuance, we can grasp the importance of justice, defense, and the God-given right to protect oneself and others when evil strikes. …READ MORE…
Job Reveals–The Cosmological & Spiritual Warfare Around Us
The God who is Enough
As long as mankind has existed, there has been suffering.
Because of sin in the world,d some suffering is understandable. But what about the innocent? What about the saints who suffer? How do we explain all the inexplicable? Every year, 17,000,000 people starve to death on planet Earth. That comes to 60,000 people each day. The vast majority are children. Why do they likewise suffer? …READ MORE…
Birmingham: My Home Sweet Home
It was an average weeknight in Birmingham when I stood atop the Vulcan statue. Snow on the ground. I was looking at the city below, standing beneath Vulcan’s massive butt cheeks. …READ MORE…
7 year tribulations? Myths to reality 6
The leaders Gabriel refers to.
This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein.
At the 483 year mark the appointed [anointed] leader will be killed; he will have nothing. …READ MORE…
The Gate of the Year
Last week, I wrote about taking it easy during the month of January in order to renew our minds, bodies, and souls for the coming year (“The January Yuck“). It’s still January, and while I continue to “rest in the Lord” in my recliner in front of the TV watching the Food Network, allow me to share a couple of potentially transformative quotations. …READ MORE…
Don Surber’s Weekly Highlights; Just 8 more days and we’ll be free from Joe Biden’s misery
ITEM 1: The Federalist reported, “Canadian Doctors Suggest Harvesting Organs From Euthanasia Patients Before They’re Dead.”
But does anyone want Castreau’s spine? …READ MORE…
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