A Vote for “Joy” Is a Vote for Idiocracy
This November, America will be deciding if we will entrust our “joy” to the benevolence of others, or whether we will take responsibility for pursuing happiness ourselves.
The radicals who have infiltrated our institutions have spent decades dumbing down the electorate. They have used the media, academia, and political advocacy groups to create the “feelings” voting bloc. The “feelings” voters are the hedonists who care more about their emotions today than tomorrow’s outcomes. The United States has reached the pinnacle of emotional politics. A candidate of for President is running on a platform of “joy.”…READ MORE…
Not a Great Night for Trump, but This Election is Far From Over
Although it kills me to say so, former President Donald Trump’s performance at the ABC News showdown in Philadelphia on Tuesday night failed to meet the moment. Those of us hoping he would deliver a humiliating Tulsi Gabbardesque takedown of Vice President Kamala Harris were sorely disappointed.
Trump repeatedly allowed himself to take Harris’s bait, something he should have expected and been prepared for. Rather than pivoting and going on offense, he instead became rattled and defensive…READ MORE…
Responsibility and Accountability Part 4: The Judiciary and Accountability
This is Part 4 of a series on accountability and responsibility. As the graphic shows, the two should work together, but can but can get jammed. But often the two are divorced, or at least separated, in this case, by Judicial Review and life-time appointments…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol III - Episode 110: Landlords, Renters, and Broccoli Soup with Ginger and Lemon
Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds...In today’s episode, President Buckstop is confronted with the damage being done by the covid-era moratorium on evictions…READ MORE…
Eric Weinstein's Geometric Unity and the Possibility of Other Dimensions Supporting a Spiritual Realm
Eric Weinstein, a brilliant mathematician and physicist, has made waves with his theory of Geometric Unity, a framework that seeks to unify the fundamental forces of physics, including general relativity and quantum mechanics. While much of Weinstein’s work is grounded in scientific exploration, his theory opens up the possibility of dimensions beyond the ones we experience in everyday life…READ MORE…
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