A New Covenant with America
Republicans are only slightly less heinous and self-serving than Democrats.
Republicans are only slightly less heinous and self-serving than Democrats. There is a saying that Republicans like big government, but Democrats like bigger government. President Turmp won a “landslide” election. So what? Even during Trump’s first term, the size of government and the budget increased. Does anyone really think that a Republican Congress is going to repeal Bankrupt Back Better, shrink government, approach engery independence, open the Keystone pipeline, cut inflation, reduce prices, increase manufacturing jobs, drastically curtail the bloat of regulatory agencies, depart all illegals, eliminate anchor babies, purge the military of woke sycophants cosplaying as warrior leaders, fix the border, return to energy independence, get biological males out of women’s sports, wipe out the Department of Education, reduce private sector censorship and get control of the tech tyrants, drastically CUT the federal budget, convert the secret police (FBI) back into a law-enforcement agency, dismantle DHS, reign in the intelligence community, and prevent a repeat of the fascist response to the pandemic madness? That is a lot to do in two years, while he has a Republican Congress. And you know an army of Leftist lawyers is going to do everything they can to thwart him. They are already making plans to do so. …READ MORE…
Holding the Leash: The True Role of Leadership in Combat
In the chaos of combat, a leader’s role is not just to guide their team to victory but to control the fury and aggression that battle demands. The combat leader must know when to release the “dogs of war” and, perhaps more importantly, how to regain control once the fighting has started. This task requires both wisdom and restraint. While it’s easy to initiate a battle and unleash one’s forces, ending it takes a level of control and foresight that not all can manage. As Shakespeare’s Mark Antony declared, “Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war,” yet those who lead must understand that “letting slip” is only one part of the job. Holding the leash requires an understanding of when and how to temper aggression, a responsibility that separates great leaders from those simply driven by the heat of the moment. …READ MORE…
Watch: Blue state governors network to erect firewall against Trump’s threat to democracy
Julia Spiegel, founder & CEO of GovAct, talks with Rachel Maddow about blue state governors working together to secure their states against Donald Trump’s anti-democratic policies, and to bolster democratic institutions threatened under Trump. …WATCH HERE…
A Future View of Racing
It’s cool, maybe 65 and breezy, but up this high the coolness was being able to look down – below his feet – to see cars brake-shuttering at the end of the downhill before slamming into the loop’s high-banked turn as they swirl, drift and struggle for the slingshot effect onto the uphill straight. The racetrack includes an elevated moving sidewalk, running above and inside the track. He steps off the raised treadmill, still high over the action to catch, from atop, pit crews wrestling with a tire change. …READ MORE…
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