2nd Amendment? Or 2nd American Revolution?
Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here.
On a cool Massachusetts morning, April 19, 1775, a group of farmers, tradesmen, and other “Minutemen” led by Captain John Parker, gathered on Lexington Commons to…express umbrage at the British Crown’s illegal attempt to confiscate Colonial Weapons…READ MORE…
When I once asked my father why something I did was so wrong, he said: "Once you compromise, the whole thing will break down."…READ MORE…
Thought Trump People were the Violent Ones- Or so I've Been Told
For years now, we have been fed a constant barrage of Goebbels-style propaganda that Trump supporters are the violent ones. From the so-called “insurrection” of January 2021 (or what Sen. Schumer [D-NY] called the “erection”)[2], to the incident in Charlottesville, NC, we have been told that Trump and his supporters are the violent ones…READ MORE…
VIDEO: Then Senator Harris, caught on camera chanting "Down with deportation!"
Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, details 'chaos' in the geopolitical sphere, Harris' record on border security impacting the Last Frontier and voting on the government funding bill…READ MORE…
Pizza Box Origami of Death: Australia's Cardboard Drones Strike Fear on the Battlefield
In an age where advanced military technology dominates the headlines, Australia has taken a surprisingly unconventional approach to supporting Ukraine in its ongoing defense against Russian aggression—by sending cardboard kamikaze drones. These seemingly simple, DIY-style Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are anything but. Nicknamed the “Pizza Box Origami of Death” these drones are made from what appears to be lightweight, cardboard-like materials, held together by duct tape and hot glue, but don’t let their humble appearance fool you. These low-cost drones are delivering devastating effects on the battlefield, with a 75+ mile range and a cost under $600.…READ MORE…
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